The Start Of It All?

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Bonjour readers! This part is dedicated to NataliaMoony because she wrote the three comments I asked for earlier plus she's a great supporter! :) Hoped you guys liked the previous part :) The beginning of this story might seem rushed and dry right now but  trust me it needs to start off like that so we can get to the more important parts of the story. And that's just how Matt and Harley's 'relationship' is :) You guys are in for A LOT. Sorry if I sound awkward writing in a guys POV. I like it cuz I enjoy the challenge of actually trying to sound like a realistic boy than how girls wish they were. If I'm failing at that sorrrrrrrry. I thought the song in the sidebar would go great with this chapter I just had to put it. Chris Evans plays our pervy little Chase Roberts :) Story time! -lenny x 



"Next time I'm picking the movie." Bryce grumbled. Tia smiled brightly in response.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night babe." She said kissing his cheek.

"Come on Bryce, it wasn't that bad." Chase said with his arm slung over Rachel's shoulder. 

"Says the one who spent the whole movie exploring someone's mouth." I let out with a laugh. Chase only frowned in response but said nothing else tucking Rachel closer into his side and kissing her neck. 

The movie we ended up watching did bore me immensely. But then again my mind kept drifting onto thoughts of Harley every time she snuggled into my arm. Throughout the whole movie she hadn't let go of my hand and kept attached to my side though I hadn't exactly complaining, neither had she.

Once we all made it to the parking lot we all dispersed to our cars. Since Harley had hitched a ride with Tia to get to Bryce's she came with me so I could drop her off. 

Together we walked hand in hand to my car after saying our goodbyes to the rest of the gang. Our hands were interlocked and I kept wondering why I didn't just let her hand go but for some strange reason I let it be. No harm in hand-holding right? 

Driving to Harley's house was obviously not a problem for me seeing as that I live right next door. After a few minutes of silence Harley decided to break it.

"That wasn't as bad as I expected." She admitted looking down at our hands.

"The movie or the date?" I asked glancing at her briefly before turning back to the road ahead.

"You." Was all she said. I turned to her and raised an eyebrow feeling a tad confused.

"Huh?" Was my dumbfounded response. I wasn't expecting that. 

She shifted in her seat so that she was facing me. "To be honest, I had a feeling that you didn't like me. I've seen you around school and whenever you looked at me you seemed... annoyed? I was scared you would act like that face to face." She had a sincere look on her face and tilted her head to the side a little. As I listened to her I felt like a jerk because I did look at her in annoyance and I had been judging her since we started and before I even got to personally meet her. Why WAS I being such a douche? 

"Don't worry it's all in your head. Nothing to be scared of." I reassured her. It wasn't the complete truth but I'm pretty sure telling her wouldn't make her feel better.

When did I suddenly care about how she felt? I'd only met her today and I was already tiptoeing around her emotions. Since when did I do things like that for people like Harley?

"That's good to hear." She smiled and rested her head against the head rest as we rode the rest of the way to our houses in a content silence despite my inner banter.

- - - - - -

When we arrived in our neighbourhood I parked my car in my driveway before walking her to her doorstep. At first she said it wasn't necessary but I insisted so she relented. We made our way up her porch steps and stood by the door. Harley and I were standing towards each other but her face was looking down at our joined hands. I said nothing for a moment just watching her do so. She lifted her head to meet my gaze and smiled.

"I had fun, you weren't what I was expecting Matt and boy am I glad about that." She laughed lowly. I grinned down at her.

"So am I." I found myself replying. Wait. What?

Before I could fully process what I was doing Harley looked me in the eye and slowly got on her tiptoes as I met her halfway in a kiss.

Her lips felt soft against mine and I relished in the feeling, losing myself in the kiss. It started off gentle but the longer it went on the rougher it became. My hands tangled their way through her hair as I felt her tug on the curls above my neck. We were grasping onto each other for all we worth before we had to pull apart. I pulled away a bit so our faces were inches apart as we fought to catch our breath. We just smiled at each other.

What was I doing? I shouldn't be kissing her! I should just turn around and walk to my door. I shouldn't be kissing one of the biggest sluts in town. I shouldn't be kissing a girl who's done this plenty of times with different guys just for the simple pleasure of doing it. This girl was a user and I was sick of girls like her. But again for some foreign reason the other half and less logical side of me controlled my body and leaned down to kiss her again.

Who cares. For now I wasn't going to think too much about who she was because I knew one thing. I really wanted to kiss Harley Ross, the town's slutty virgin all over again.


Question of the day: Do you think Matt's a jerk or sweet? Why or why not? Leave a comment down below and tell me :D

They kissed! Oh I forgot to mention earlier I'm most likely not changing the POV. Just because I want to keep Harley's thoughts a mystery because let's face it that's how boys think of girls and vice versa all the time LOL. I hope you guys liked it! Comment, fan, vote thanks a bunch love! - lenny x 

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