Caveman To Slice of Toast

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Hey guys! This is really rushed because I ALWAYS keep my promise so I had to quickly finish up this part before the end of the day as I said though I wasn't exactly sure how I wanted to start this. Song in the side was what I was listening to while writing this and adorable Boo Boo Stewart in the sidebar plays quirky Bryce Stuart. Hope you guys like this! Thanks lovelies! Enjoy :) -lenny x 



"Heads up Matt!" 

I ducked thankfully moving in time to dodge his basketball that was barreling towards me and turned to Chase with a scowl on my face.

"Really man?" I questioned annoyed, slipping my phone in my pocket ignoring the 'ping' noises it made. It was probably Harley again anyways.

It was Sunday today and since Friday night she's been texting me since we switched numbers with each other before she had gone inside that night. I hadn't been replying to any of her texts because I didn't want to try and encourage any kind of relationship between the two of us.

After Harley and I had kissed last Friday I kept beating myself up for doing it. I was going soft on the girl who didn't need that kind of treatment. It would be understandble if I'd done that to Jenny who was one of the quietest and shyest girls in my grade but Harley? Harley Ross? The girl that's definitely found her comfort zone with guys and sexuality? Yeah, it didn't make sense.

What was bugging me the most was that my old juvenile crush on her was making a reappearance in my life which I was not happily accepting with open arms. I didn't want nor need her. But then why was I so hung up on her?

"It bounced off the net sorry. Geez, what crawled up your ass and died?" Chase smirked picking up the ball from the grass.

"Nothing. I'd just prefer to not have balls shot at my face." I replied sarcastically. Chase passed the ball to Bryce and looked at me disbelievingly.

"You sure that's all? Because it seems to me like Ross' got her sights set on you and it's got you all messed up in the head. Plus you two were pretty close on Friday, y'know holding hands 'n' all." Bryce said shooting the ball at the net as it swooshed in. I drained my face of any emotion and feigned nonchalance. That was a look I'd learn to master just because of Chase and Bryce.

I'd been buds with Chase and Bryce since the first day I moved to Riverfalls. The first day I moved in, I came here to shoot some hoops and coincidentally enough they came here too. That day we ended up talking and then three months later it was like I'd known them my whole life. 

When I first saw Bryce I thought he was younger than Chase and I because of his boyish features, turns out he wasn't. He had dark hair with dark eyes to match. His skin was tanned due to him living in Hawaii majority of his life before moving here three years back.

"She grabbed my hand, I didn't know how to pull away without it being too obvious." I replied sitting down on the grass.

"Dude, your phone's been making noises since you got here. Give the poor girl a break, if you don't like her just tell her. From what I've heard she's pretty reasonable." Bryce replied dragging the end of his shirt over his face leaving a huge dark patch on it.

"You don't know that for sure. What if I tell her and then she goes all crazy psycho chick on me? I don't want that." I said but my mind was telling me that it wasn't the only reason why I wasn't saying anything to her.

"Well if you don't like her maybe I should take a go at her. You never know, maybe by the end of the day she'll be screaming my n--" I was trying my best to not get frustrated and angry but I honestly just snapped.

"Shut the hell up! I know you're trying to make me admit I have fee---" I was saying before Chase interrupted.

"Uh you guys... Um Ha----" 

"You shut up too Chase!" I said. "I know you guys THINK I really give a damn about Harley but you guys  need to know that I--"

"Seriously Matt, y---"

"I SAID SHUT UP! JUST FRICKIN' LISTEN!" I shouted at Chase, letting my anger take full swing. He looked like he was going to continue but then his eyes hardened, he shook his head and remained silent.

"You guys need to know that I couldn't care less about her. For crying out loud, I just met her two days ago. Do you think I'd want to be with a girl like that? She flings herself at people. I just so happened to be the only guy she could get her hands on that night." I finished, finally losing the sudden anger I felt. I thought I'd feel a lot better once I said that but I couldn't help but only feel a little guilty. I didn't even mean what I said I guess I was just frustrated because I couldn't pin how I felt about Harley. Whether I liked her or just didn't. She wasn't even really doing anything and she had me all confused.

"You could've just told me." I swear the minute I heard her voice my whole body went cold and rigid. I can't believe my luck.

I turned to face Harley and I regret doing it because she looked genuinely hurt. Her thin lips weren't set in a smile like I was used to seeing since I'd first met her, instead a disappointed frown lay in their place. It chilled me to the  bone. 

She's going to turn around and run crying. I could imagine it already. All girls do that in all those tv shows or chick flicks, don't they? Then I'd be left having to run after her begging her to forgive me, that it was a mistake and I didn't mean it. Or she'd start bawling while she hit me and told me how much of jerk I was and then she'd break down even more and I'd hold her and it would be a perfect scene from a romance novel.

It truly amazes me how much of a dick you are sometimes, I said to myself.

But of course Harley's always been one to surprise.

"You said not to worry, that you didn't hate me. You were lying, weren't you." Harley said rooted to the ground staring straight at me reflecting how offended she truly was. I would've preferred her to do option #1 of the drama scenes like this because I hated how raw and sure her voice sounded as well as the emotions she was emitting.

Hurt. Offended. Betrayed. and most importantly disappointed. That last one was the worst.

I opened my mouth to reply but the words were stuck in my throat like I couldn't arrange a sentence that would make her understand just how completely lost I felt about her. In my periperphal vision I saw Bryce and Chase grabs their bags by the base of the basketball net before they left. Now it was just Harley and I.

"Harley... I..." Smooth Matt, great way to start got a better way to start? "I  don't know what to say." Good, you made a sentence. You've officially upgraded from caveman status to a slice of toast.

"How about you tell me why you hate me so much." Easy question, okay. Let's do this. Oh stop being a douche and just talk to her!

I sighed as I stepped towards her. "I don't hate you Harley. I'm sorry about what I said, I just said all that stuff because I was... you... oh gosh, you just confuse the hell out of me. I don't want to like you." I said thinking that was all I had to say but I squeaked out quickly. "But I do." I said giving her a weak but encouraging smile hoping she'd accept.

She just tilted her to get a good view of my face to see if I was telling the truth or not, with her arms folded. She calculated me for a minute before giving me a sliver a smile. I guess I was good.

"Okay. Fine." She said. Suddenly her smile widened. "But now you have to make up for it."

Ah crap.


Question of the day (has nothing to do with the actual story but...): What's a promise you worked really hard to keep? Comment down below!  :)

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