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Jaemin lived with his best friend Jeno for the longest time and what was happening now wasn't a surprise.

"Jaemin-ah please buy me food." Jeno whined pulling the youngers arm. Almost every night he would bust into his room and whine about how hungry he was.

"Jeno we just finished dinner plus it's 2 in the morning get out and go to bed" Jaemin pushed Jeno off of him and to the floor.

Jeno whined louder refusing to leave "Nana pleaseee I won't ask again and I'll get you that Ryan plushie you wanted." Jaemin sat up with excitement.

"If you're lying I'll kick you out." Jaemin stood up quickly putting a hoodie on. Jeno smiled brightly at him. "What am I getting this time?" 


"That stupid eye smile fucker always does this" Jaemin continued to curse out Jeno as he collected the random combinations of food he wanted. The list was song long he could barely memorize it.

"Your total is $50.59 sir." The young looking kid bagged up his mountain of junk. Jaemin visibly stiffened before pulling out his friends credit card (that friend is Chenle).

"Can you tell lele I said Hi?!" The register was suddenly excited seeing zhong on the card. "Of course Jisung he will be happy to know you're thinking of him." Jisung blushed slightly and mumbled with a sad pout "I always think of him."

Jaemin left the store with 8 bags in hand ready to throw them at Jeno and sleep. He walked past an old abandoned playground. Usually he'd always walk by and go straight home but he heard a terrifying swing creaking noise and his neck hairs stood.

"What the fuck" Jaemin walked cautiously near the small figure on the swings.

"Hey kitty do you ever look up there and wonder if there's someone staring back?" his tiny hands pointed at the sky smiling cutely.

Jaemin flushed at the sight, his skin perfectly glowed in the night sky. Jaemin dropped his grocery bag by accident scaring the smaller boy.

The cat hissed and ran away. Renjun and Jaemin had a strange staring contest. No one made any moves for a minute or two. Both were wondering if the other was dangerous. "I'm s-sorry for scaring you." Jaemin started putting his fallen items into the bags.

Renjun's stomach rumbles loudly seeing food. He was starting to forget how many days it's been since he ate. Jaemin heard this and only then noticed how skinny the boy looked. He needs this food way more than Jeno does. Jaemin grabbed his bags and walked over to the swing next to the smaller.

He placed the bags on the floor and took out some of its contents before handing them to the boy. Renjun smiled softly at the strangers kind gestures, but he still didn't take it because he didn't want to make the mistake of trusting strangers again.

"I promise I didn't poison it please eat you look hungry." Jaemin gave him a wide smile that somehow made the boy feel safe. He grabbed the food quickly and started eating then downed the drink.

All Jaemin could do was stare at him in awe at his cuteness. "I'm Na Jaemin what's your name?" He outstretched his hand for the boy to shake. "H-Huang Renjun." The boy cautiously shook Jaemins hand. Jaemins hands were warm but Renjun had freezing hands.

"If you don't mind me asking what are you doing on the swings at 3 am?" Jaemin tilted his head and that question made Renjun smile brightly "I'm waiting for the supernatural obviously."

3am-RenminWhere stories live. Discover now