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The moment Renjun saw who was in the car he had second thoughts on going right back into their home. It seems freedom doesn't last too long. He didn't move from his spot but instead glared at Jungwoo who gave him a sad smile in return.

"Get in the fucking car Renjun." Lucas rolled down the window to glare at his younger brother.  "Lucas honey please don't be so mean." Jungwoo smacked his boyfriends arm. The only person that could make his older brother go soft was his boyfriend.

Renjun sighed and got in the back then rolled his eyes when Lucas rubbed his arm hollering in fake pain. Even the small boy knew that Jungwoo couldn't hit hard even if he tried which he never did. Renjun couldn't help but wonder every time he saw the two boys together how exactly they could even last this long.

Jungwoo was a sweetheart who'd been more of a brother figure than Lucas could ever to Renjun while Lucas was only there because he felt he had to be. They started driving away when his brother spoke. "You're grounded Renjun." Lucas said causing the youngest to scoff. "Good luck with that." He said daring to challenge his annoying brother.

"You think this is a fucking joke!" Lucas tightened his hold on the wheel and looked at his brother through the mirror. Lucas was never happy with the younger boy for anything he did and it was to the point where Renjun didn't care to annoy his brother anymore.

"I don't care if it's a joke or not you can't keep me locked up in the house forever!" Renjun yelled back just as angrily not willing to let his brother ruin the happiness he had after meeting Jaemin and his roommate Jeno.

"G-Guys calm down please." Jungwoo held his boyfriend's loose hand and turned in his seat to look at Renjun softly trying to work his magic with his eyes to tell Renjun not to argue and stay calm.

That's not going to work on me. Renjun made a face that said just that when he looked back at Jungwoo.

Renjun looked away and stared out the window watching the lovely house he'd been welcomed into becoming a memory. I didn't even get his number. Renjun frowned remembering that very cute and kind boy Jaemin. He thought the Jeno guy was weird but kind as well and of course he couldn't forget about Moomin who'd happened to stay inside of their house when Renjun left.

"Later we have to get groceries and I've noticed Renjun is looking really skinny these days." Jungwoo said rubbing his boyfriends hand and making sure to keep an eye on Renjun through the front window.

These days really because I've felt like I'm starving for a few weeks now. They've been so In love with each other that no one noticed until now that I'm a stick.

"I have to go to work later so I guess you'll have to go alone" Lucas replied.

Do I not exist?

"Well, I'm going to bring Renjun with me" Jungwoo spoke and made the small boy smile a little.

"Absolutely not didn't I just say he's grounded." Lucas scoffed. "You did but I didn't." Jungwoo fired back.

This wasn't a new thing so Renjun could already tell where this argument was going.

"I'm his legal guardian!" Lucas yelled at his beloved.

Renjun could already guess what Jungwoo would say next. "You can't treat him like that!" He thought but for the first time, he was wrong.

"Are you really though?" Jungwoo gave his boyfriend a knowing look and this caused Renjun to look at the two suspiciously but they avoided his eyes.

This wasn't right Jungwoo and Lucas always say the same things when they have their What does he mean? Lucas is my legal guardian because mom and dad aren't here anymore right?

To most people that would mean that their parents were dead. Renjun had an idea of his parents whereabouts but he decided to keep that thought to himself in fear of his brother yelling again. "I thought we talked about this Jungwoo." Lucas whispered with sad eyes. Renjun started to let his mind wander all the possibilities this could mean.

"I-I know we did Xuxi but it's wrong! How would you feel not knowing tha- I WOULDN'T CARE!" Jungwoo flinched and Lucas stopped the car abruptly making everyone slam forward. He was crying and Renjun was shocked to say the least. "It doesn't matter to me and it shouldn't matter to you so let's just forget it please."

Lucas laid his head down on the steering and began to cry harder with his shoulders shaking. It took everything in Renjun not to yell at them for hiding things from him and try to comfort his so called brother. "R-Renjun were home please go inside." Jungwoo unlocked go door and looked back at the younger boy.

"B-but..." Renjun had a single tear fall as he looked back and forth between his brother and Jungwoo. "Just get the fuck out already!" Lucas yelled in chinese so that Jungwoo wouldn't understand but Renjun would know he's serious. Renjun hurried out just about tripping by how fast he ran into the house with tears falling down his face.

Jungwoo locked the doors as soon as Renjun got out and smacked his boyfriend on the head. "We need to talk Lucas."

Renjun ran inside crying and really confused as to what was being hidden from him. He felt betrayed in a way. Not by Lucas of course because he knew that their brotherhood was beyond broken but by Jungwoo. The person he considered really family at this point.

He ran up to his spotless room and jumped on his bed face planting into his stack of moomin plushies Jungwoo has bought him and only one stood out. The first one he ever got from his parents when he was born. Renjun looked up and reached out for the plushie snuggling it.

His mind raced with ideas of what Jungwoo and Lucas could have meant. He refused to just give up on finding his parents. There was no way he could do that. Renjun wanted to be with them more than anything in the world. He dreamt to have them here instead of Lucas because he was in so much pain without them.

Renjuns tears eventually dried out and soft barely heard snores released his small lips as he fell asleep.

Jungwoo peeked his head inside of the door to Renjuns room to find him sleeping with a visible frown, dried tears staining his face and he was shaking. Jungwoo rushes over with a very worried face and sat down next to Renjuns figure. He began to caress the smaller boys head and noticed how Renjun immediately calmed down.

Renjun reached his hands to wrap around Jungwoos waist as he buried his face there. Jungwoo felt horrible once he heard Renjuns words. " Please don't leave me!" Jungwoo hugged the small boy back and mumbled his next words. "Never, I'll never leave you Renjun." Inside the dream of the young boy he was content with that answer.


Oml it's been so long since I updated this. For those of you who didn't know this is the first story i've ever written on wattpad. I have been trying hard to come up with an idea for where I want this to go since I wasn't too inspired with ideas but now I think I know where this story is going to go and am hoping to update more frequently~!

thanks for all the support❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2019 ⏰

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