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Capsize, I'm first in the water,
Too close to the bottom.

Make sure to go and check out my friend, choni_outlooks new Book
'Mini Forbes' it's a TVD fan fic
Now onto the story
After Elena telling me that Matt now works in town, I said my goodbyes and headed out. As I climbed into my car, I wondered why everyone seemed to be down when I said Vicki's name. Has she moved away? Is she in Hospital?
I quickly drove down to Matt's Work Place, The Mystic Grill. I climbed out my car and headed towards the door. This place hasn't changed at all either. I looked around and saw Matt behind the counter. He was a bar tender now? I walked up and said before he could see me, "Didn't know you were a bar tender Matty"
Matt's eyes seemed to light up when he looked up to see me. I was his Twin after all. He rushed out from behind the counter and tackled me in a hug. Once a couple minutes of hugging was finished, we pulled apart. Well I had to, I could hardly breath from his locking kind of hugs.
"Why didn't you call to tell me you were coming to visit." Matt said still excited that I was here. "First of, I wanted it to be a surprise. And second, I'm not visiting Matty, I'm moving back home." I said with a sort of excitement. But Matt Frowned. "It's not safe here Luna. I would recommend against it." Matt Said, he almost did sound scared. "I'm still moving back Matt, it's my home town. This place has never been safe." I Said. I should listen to Matt really. He's never sounded so unsure about something in his life.
"I need to get back to work, do you want a drink?" Matt said breaking the silence. "Yeah can I have a coffee Please, Thanks." I replied, he smiled and I followed him back to the bar. "So, where's Vicki? I haven't seen her around yet." I said tilting the coffee back and forth in the mug without spilling it. I looked up to Matt when there was silence. He has tears in his eyes. "Matt, what happened, is Vicki okay?" I exclaimed. He shook his head. "What happened then, please Matt. I have to know." I said more worried then I have ever been. "I didn't want to tell you all of this. So be prepared and don't freak out with what I'm going to say." Matt Said as he came of from behind the counter and came and sat on a stool with me.
"You know the stories that dad always used to tell us about. The ones with vampires, Witches and werewolves and when there was apparently masses in Early Mystic Falls?" He said. I nodded in response and he carried on. "Well all of that is true. The brothers Damon And Stefan, There vampires. They were turned in 1864. Caroline was Turned by Elena's Doppelgänger Katherine. Bonnie's a Bennett Witch, Who are very powerful. Tyler, do you remember him, he's a werewolf. All of this is true. I feel like I'm the only one human around here."
I was nearly ready to walk out the whole building and say it was all a lie. As I got up to head out of the door, Matt stopped me. "Wait, I haven't told you what happened to Vicki." Matt Said concerned. I turned back to him and let him finish talking. "Vicki was turned into a vampire. I didn't know until a couple days after the night that she tried to kill Elena. Stefan thought of the only thing and staked her. She's dead Luna, we can't get her back." Matt exclaimed, I couldn't tell the hurt in his voice. "I'm so sorry I didn't tell you sooner. I've had no way of contacting you and I been wanting to tell you. This is the first time we have talked in ages." Matt Said again.
It felt like someone had ripped a hand through my chest and was holding onto my heart.
My sister was dead.
My only sister was dead.

Sorry for this chapter to be quite depressing, I didn't know what way for Matt to tell Luna about Vicki's death so I put it in this context.
What do you think will happen next?
Next chapter out at the week end.
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