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And I chase it down, With a
shot of truth, Dancing through our
house, With the ghost of you.

After not having much sleep, I decided to get up. I couldn't get any sleep because all these new ideas floating around in my head. The masquerade party is tonight, and I was cutting it short for getting something to wear. I went into the bathroom and had a shower. It was quite refreshing to step into that shower. Kind of washed away some of the new things I had learnt but they would always be there. The idea of these stories that dad told me about when I was little are true. I couldn't shake the thought. People who I have known for a very long time, are these monsters but they are still the same people.
After I don't know how long in the shower, I decided to step out. I wrapped myself into a towel and rushed back to my bedroom. Matt had shouted outside my door earlier that he was going to work, so it was just me in the house. I can be a bit scared that someone could break into the house though. I got changed into something casual, (outfit at top). And made my way to the car.
I arrived at the store only to remember I have no fashion sense in the slightest, so I called Caroline. I popped into a local coffee shop to grab a drink while I was waiting for Care. As I began to think, my mind went straight to Vicki. I hadn't mourned her that much. I don't know why. I seem to grieve in a complete different way then everyone else.
I was awoken by my thoughts when the bell to the coffee shop ring and Caroline came through the door. "So you ready to go shopping?" Caroline said very excited. I obviously wanted to go to the masquerade party but I wasn't too bothered about what to wear. For all I care, I could arrive in my Pyjamas. We entered a store that was known for the big parties with fancy looking dresses. Caroline, being Caroline, picked many dresses and made my try them on. About the third one in, a was wearing this amazing black, laced design dress. (Another image at top, I tried to add in the story, wouldn't work. Sorry)

Caroline generally screamed when she saw me in it. "This is the one, I don't care what you say." Caroline said with a serious tone but there was humour behind it. If I'm being completely honest, I love this dress too. We chose a mask, related to the dress, payed and headed out the door.
Couple hours later
Me, Jeremy arrived an hour after it started. There was loads of people within the house and around it. I saw Elena, Damon And Stefan inside the house. We entered and there was so many dresses, suits and people within. As Jeremy and I walked in, we seemed to start dancing straight away. As we were dancing, I seemed to be looking around a little too much. Jeremy noticed. "Lu, are you okay? You seem distracted." Jer said. "I'm fine thank you. I don't know, it feels weird to be back here in Mystic falls.
I excused myself and walked over to wear Elena and Stefan were. "Hey guys." I said as I approached. Elena had this almost different aspect about her but I couldn't trigger it. She walked up to me, completely ignoring the calls from Stefan. "You must be Luna. Matt's little Innocent twin sister." Elena said before looking deeply into my eyes, "Do you know where the moonstone is?" It wasn't Elena at all. "Katherine!" I replied short and sweet. I was filled in on what a doppelgänger was and who Elena's was. "I see you've been taking vervain. Sneaky Donovan." Katherine replied sarcastically. "I know more then you think." I Said harshly. I had now met the family doppelgänger that everyone knows and hates.
A few more hours later (Sorry For So Many time Jumps. Cba to write a lot of this dance.)
A lot has happened in the past hours. Katherine was linked to Elena for a bit. Katherine was tortured resulting in Elena Getting the same pain.
I stepped outside to get some air and to go back to my car to head home. I had worn a sneaky spaghetti strap tank top (would you call it that) and some leggings underneath my dress. I lifted my dress off and laid it in the back of my car. I shrugged on my jacket and leaned against my car. In the distance but not too far. I could see Elena walking from the house. As she was walking though, someone with a mask, came behind her, grabbed her and shoved her into a car. Soon after, the car went speeding off. Thinking of the first thing, I climbed into my car. Started the engine. And drove after this mysterious kidnapper.

So, did you guys like this chapter?
Luna has now officially met Katherine (Or Katerina, whatever you like to call her)
You guys probably know who Luna is about to me. Basically one of my favourite characters.
Thank you guys so so much, I found out this book is No. 31 on #salvatore
I am a so happy, thank you so much☺️
Also, while I am writing this, it is snowing in England😊❤️
It ain't snowed since last year, I am Generally so happy.
Thanks for reading, Becca❤️

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