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You tell everyone our love went cold,
Going 'round, spreading the word, it's over.

[not Edited]
Hi guys, so my birthing was last week and I am officially 14, Yay😊
If there are any suggestions for this story or my other, please message me or comment.
This will be a double update and I will post the next tomorrow

It had been a couple days since I last saw anyone except Elijah. I didn't want to go out there without knowing I'd Arabella would kill me or not. I would go out but only with Elijah. He kept me safe. There has only been a couple people who can do that, him, Matt and my best friend Landon. I haven't talked to him in a while let alone seen him. We talked yesterday and he kept saying he was going to visit Mystic falls. I keep telling him it isn't a safe place at the moment but being him, he doesn't listen. Apparently, he is visiting in a couple of days. Don't get me wrong, I am excited but scared something will happen to him and I won't know what to do with myself.
Elijah had forced me out of the house to attend this meeting thing or somewhat at the Lockwood's. Elijah told me he had to put up a front about who he is when he is talking to other people. As we walked up the the building, I turned around to look behind me to see Damon getting out of his car.
"Shit!" I accidentally said out loud and Elijah turned to me.
"Everything alright Luna?" He asked.
"Yeah, everything is dandy." I replied putting on a fake smile.
As we walked in, Carol Lockwood came over.
"Hello Elijah. Oh Hi Luna, I didn't know you had came back to Mystic Falls." Carol said looking between us.
"Yeah I came back a week or so ago. I haven't made my rounds to say I'm home yet though." I smiled at Carol. I would have thought someone had told her by now. In a small town, news travels fast.
"Anyways, Elijah how is this book going?" Carol Said towards Elijah. They carried on talking about the book. I looked towards the arch in the room to see Damon and Jenna Talking. This other woman came up to them and she kissed Damon on the lips. She must be his new lady friend or something like that. Damon caught my gaze before walking towards us three.
"Damon." Carol said as he walked over.
"Carol." He replied.
"What a surprise." Carol said after they greeted each other.
"Elijah, Luna, I want you to meet Damon Salvatore. His family is one of Mystic Falls' founding Families." Carol said oblivious to that they had met before.
The tension was thick I the air around Damon and Elijah. You could tell straight away they didn't like each other but obviously Carol couldn't tell.
Damon has now led me and Elijah into a room away from everyone else. I hadn't spoke a word since Damon had arrived.
"What can I do for you Damon?" Elijah questioned as I made myself comfortable on a chair.
"I was hoping we could have a word." Damon replied looking around the room and finally resting his gaze on me. He was probably thinking why the hell is she here.
"Where is Elena?" Elijah questioned.
"Always about Elena isn't it." I thought too loudly and they both looked at me. I smiled awkwardly before they returned to their conversation.
"Safe, With Stefan. Laying low, bit of a werewolf problem." Damon replied. I was starting to get bored. All anyone around here talks about is Elena. I mean, I'm a doppelgänger too. What's so special about her.
"Yeah I heard about that." Elijah said and you could see he was getting impatient of something.
I zoned out but I could tel Damon was Trying to annoy Elijah. As Elijah Walked towards me and was about to lead us out of the room, Damon sped in front of Elijah.
"Not good enough." Damon said staring intensively at Elijah. Why can't we just go, I'm bored being here. I'd like to see Matt or someone.
Elijah then let go of me and pinned Damon against the wall. I was frozen still. I could do nothing against two Vampires. Elijah then muttered a few words but I couldn't hear them because my heart was racing. He then grabbed a pencil and stabbed Damon in the neck.
"Elijah Stop!" I shouted at him but he didn't seem harmed by my words. Elijah let go of Damon and Let him Breath. I was about to run out of the room by myself before Elijah grabbed me by the wrist and Led me out with him.
We were walking for a couple minutes before I noticed no one was around. I grabbed my hand from Elijah's loose hold and moved away from him.
"You... you can't do that. Yes Damon is an idiot at times but you didn't need to Lash out on him. I get it that your an Original, one of the oldest Vampires in the world but that doesn't change the fact you just hurt my friend. You have been so nice to me for the past couple of days and I feel like that has just been swept away. What is Wrong with you. I don't know who you are anymore. You definitely are not the person who let me cry..." I spoke before I was stopped.

I felt something that stopped me from Talking.

His Lips were placed over mine.

Eeeek, There First Kiss
Guys I am so so sorry for not posting in a week but this is going to be a double update😊
Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and the next will be up later tonight

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