Chapter 11

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The weeks rolled by.

Jennie found herself tensing more and more as the time passed and she was completely flummoxed as to how to break the news to her parents.

She knew that this news should be joyous, but the timing was all wrong. She knew her father would be overjoyed but her mother would use the news as another lever to try and manoeuvre Jennie into doing what her mother wanted.

Then there would be the inevitable questions: Why wasn't she getting back together with Jongin? How was she going to support them? What about Elly? For the moment at least, she was reasonably financially secure.

The house was long paid-off and, since Jennie's parents had paid the deposit in the first place as a wedding present, there was no question that Jennie would get the house in the divorce. Jongin had been most forthcoming with child support, starting up payments almost as soon as he'd left. Without being asked. Trust Jongin to come through as the perfect guy AFTER she left him.

But then this had never been about Jongin. Jongin was never the bad guy or even the good guy.

He was just the wrong guy. Just the wrong person, Jennie corrected herself. And now... Now, had she found the right person? It was quite likely, if she was being honest with herself. It was too soon to tell, really, but, for the first time in her life, Jennie felt like she was falling in love.

She'd never felt like this before: this amazing rush every time she saw someone; this incredible sensation in the pit of her stomach; this difficult-to-suppress urge to rip Jisoo's clothes off and pull her into the bedroom, or the bathroom, or the living room floor. These were all very new sensations to Jennie.

She'd married Jongin because he'd been tall, handsome and the right kind of guy in her mother's eyes, because she was supposed to, because he took her to romantic restaurants and said all the right things.

He bought her flowers and jewellery and she had thought that he was exactly what life and romance were supposed to be about, not falling apart at the seams because the girl of your dreams had learnt sign language for your daughter. Or maybe that was exactly what life was about and that was where Jennie had been going wrong all this time.

Jennie sighed and put down the towel she'd been bunching up in her hands. The coffee date with Jongin had gone surprisingly well. He'd been supportive and hadn't questioned the fact that they were still separating.

He'd been most accommodating on the subject of child support and, to Jennie's utter amazement, had been rather prolific on his insistence at being part of this child's life. Given his obvious detachment from Elly, Jennie had been a little taken aback by this. Oh, well.

She still had to tell her parents. And soon.

At least there was Jisoo to distract her. And, boy, did she need it. A small smile appeared on Jennie's face at the thought of the brunette and, as though the universe was – for some small moment – in complete sync with her, the doorbell rang. Jennie opened it to find a rather attractive brunette on the doorstop.

"Hi, can I help you?" she asked in a friendly tone.

"Gee, I could answer that in so many ways," Jisoo flirted gently. Jennie chuckled and let her in. "I'll take a glass of water, though."

"You okay?" Jennie looked concerned.

"Uh, yeah," Jisoo responded with a confused look, "just thirsty." She gazed at Jennie like the blonde was a little crazy.

Jennie shook her head at her own strangeness and got the girl a glass of water. As she handed it to her, a small jingle sounded from Jisoo's pocket.

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