Chapter 18

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Jennie knew immediately who it was when the brunette skidded into the cubicle. Her face was white with worry and she looked like she'd run a mile. She probably had.

"Oh my God, Jennie, are you okay?" Jisoo reached the bed in double-time, a few nurses popping in through the curtains looking dismayed and frazzled.

"Miss, Miss, you can't just -" one of them uttered, but Jisoo ignored them, grasping Jennie's hand in hers and looking frightened.

"Are you okay? I got your message. I was -"

"Jisoo, Jisoo, calm down," Jennie interrupted, a little bemused. "I'm fine. They just won't let me drive home is all."

"Of course they won't. They're not crazy. Why are they letting you go? Should they be letting you go? You should stay a night. I'll talk to a doctor. Stay here. No, wait, I'll..." Jisoo turned to leave and got about two steps into the journey.

"Jisoo, for God's sake!" Jennie cut in with a stunned look and a laugh. "Calm down for a second. You're sending my blood pressure through the roof."

That did it. Nothing like a little white medical lie to get Kim Jisoo to stop in her tracks apparently.

"Oh God!"

But clearly it wasn't enough to completely stop her fretting.

"Jisoo, shh! Seriously, you're gonna get kicked out. Come here." Jennie reached out her hand and the brunette came back, threading her fingers through Jennie's and sitting on the side of the bed. That earned her a glare from the nurse who roughly said "Shh!" and pulled the curtains shut.

Jennie, pale and interesting, leaned back on the pillows and enjoyed the feel of Jisoo's hand in hers. She should have known she'd get this response from her friend. Jisoo was a worrier anyway but, when it came to Jennie, there didn't seem to be any ceiling to limit her fretting.

The hospital had made it clear, however, that they wouldn't let her drive home and there was no way in hell she was calling her parents, so Jisoo was the obvious next choice. Besides, Jennie would admit to feeling vaguely fragile and she was never very good at being sick.

She had a tendency to go all soppy and want looking after. Her dad had always been her favourite person to have around and she normally craved him when she was unwell. Today, however, the only person she'd secretly wanted was the brunette now sitting in front of her. So Jennie had given into herself and called.

Jisoo reached out a slender hand and brushed a tendril from Jennie's damp forehead.

"Are you sure you're okay? You really don't look it."

"The doctors said I was a bit anaemic," Jennie admitted. "I need more iron and I was tired, so I fainted a little. They've done all the right tests and, other than that, me and Bub are healthy. I promise. I'm okay."

"You're doing too much, Jennie. That's why you're tired," Jisoo retorted obstinately.

"You sound like my Dad," Jennie laughed.

"Well, I like your Dad. He's an all right guy, so I'm down with sounding like him."

"So long as you don't start making Dad jokes, I'll be fine," Jennie smiled weakly. "But, really, I'm okay."

Jisoo frowned. "You're thirty-three weeks pregnant, Jennie, less than two months to go. How about you just start taking it a bit easier?"

Jennie bit her lip. She had been feeling tired lately. And tired meant less eating. Less eating probably didn't help with the anaemia or the tiredness. But things were stressful at the moment. She was desperately trying to balance everything in her life and get ready for her new baby and things were just hard.

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