Chapter 53

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Note: This story is taking place in both the HeartGold and SoulSilver universes which means both Legendaries will be encountered.

I do not know the true personalities of some characters like Kotone/Lyra, Ethan/Hibiki, etc. Their personalities will be predicted from the resources in the game, anime, and info source(s). Their Pokémon teams are decided by info sources and the experience of gameplay from my brother and myself.

Fonts that are darkened represents Author Notes and whose P.O.V it is. Italics are used on the main flashbacks or recaps of the past and any reading from engraved materials(wood, stone, pages, etc)

All Pokédex entries are a combination of the entries of HeartGold and SoulSilver.

Source of Information: Bulbapedia

Number of Words: 1559



"Then how should we stop him?" Morty questioned calmly, opposite to my current reaction.

We couldn't save Silver, Exchanger said. He was under the influence of another time traveler, but I refuse to believe he couldn't be saved. There has to be a way to prevent all of this from happening.

I was about to mention Celebi, recalling how Silver noted that Celebi was a time-travelling Pokémon. However, I realized it wouldn't make much of a difference. After all, this was how Exchanger arrived.

"That's... the issue. I couldn't find a solution; however, it should be our priority to stop Ho-oh's rampage," Exchanger replied.

"From the legends, Lugia's strength can match Ho-oh's," Lance noted.

"But we do not have a way to summon Lugia and ask for its support," Morty countered.

While they discussed, I could only think about Silver. Where was he? I hope he's doing okay. Never in my wildest dream would I ever think about battling Silver with the intent to harm, but Silver sought vengeance. I assumed it was because of me he'll feel that way.

"Exchanger, is there a chance that we can summon Lugia through a different method, rather than just locating it?" Ethan asked.

Exchanger merely shook his head. "I... I don't know. I haven't thought about that."

Silver... are you going to turn into that kind of person? I don't want that to happen. Isn't there a way for me to prevent all of this from happening?

"There has to be a way to summon Lugia. At this point, Exchanger's predictions are true and the world will depend on Lugia's strength," Lance noted.

Suddenly, Morty turned towards me. "What do you think, Lyra?"

I already knew what I wanted to do: I didn't want to fight Silver, but it felt as if it was the only option I had. Team Rocket... I wonder if this present is changing because of them. However, for some reason, I couldn't bring myself to hate them. Was it because of Silver?

Ever since I met him in Cherrygrove City, my life has significantly changed and I wasn't sure if it's for the better. Since the beginning, we were desperate to part ways, but now all I want is for him to stay with me, to see the end of the world together, if that's possible.

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