Chapter 5

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Note: This story is taking place in both the HeartGold and SoulSilver universes which means both Legendaries will be encountered.

I do not know the true personalities of some characters like Kotone/Lyra, Ethan/Hibiki, etc. Their personalities will be predicted from the resources in the game, anime, and info source(s). Their Pokémon teams are decided by info sources and the experience of gameplay from my brother and myself.

Fonts that are darkened represents Author Notes and whose P.O.V it is. Italics are used on the main flashbacks or recaps of the past and any reading from engraved materials(wood, stone, pages, etc)

All Pokédex entries are a combination of the entries of HeartGold and SoulSilver.

Source of Information: Bulbapedia

Number of Words: 1087



"Congratulations, you two," Falkner praised, returning his Pidgeotto to his Pokéball.

I ran up to Chikorita and hugged her, spinning her around with pure glee. It was my first Gym battle, and I won. No... we won; Silver, Chikorita, Totodile, and I.

I turned around to face Silver who looked emotionless, simply returning Totodile to his Pokéball without complimenting it or anything. That caused me to frown.

Did I do something wrong?

That's when he opened one eye―his left eye―and glanced at me. From that one look, I knew he wasn't feeling any sense of joy or happiness from this. "Why are you looking like that?"

"Huh?" I questioned, dumbfounded.

He closed his left eye and sighed in annoyance. My face pouted at that reaction. That little...

Oh right! The badge!

I head towards Falkner who was also heading towards me. Once we were in front of each other, he reached his hand out.

"I am impressed with the efforts you've put into the battle. It was a battle worth fighting for," he said.

"Thank you," I replied, on behalf of Silver and myself.

"I think there's something I'd like to recommend; your teamwork. You should try and cooperate with one another more often, and then the battles you encounter would seem like child's play," he joked.

"Yeah... if that was possible..." I said, mumbling the last part.

Knowing Silver, he's only cooperating with me for the sake of getting the bracelet out of our wrists. He doesn't care about how I feel, or anything involving anything between us. But of course, there was no way something like that would form between us.

Maybe friendship... but I highly doubt it.

"Anyways, I hereby give you the Zephyr badge, proof that you and Silver had defeated me, the Gym Leader of Violet City," he said, holding up the badge he had, in his pockets.

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