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Raichu here with a (small) rant.

I can't believe my grandmother had been eavesdropping on me. It's just a phone call. Even if you "had to" eavesdrop for some reason, you shouldn't confront me in the middle of the night. Eavesdropping is an art.

What if I were calling a guy? It doesn't concern you.

Apparently, my family cannot grasp the concept of "privacy". I need space, you know? You can't just knock on my door every 10 minutes when I'm in the middle of a call. And you can't knock every 5 minutes, asking what I'm doing in the toilet. I don't know, scientific experiments?

But at the end of the day, it may have been my fault. Wish I had used earphones. But it's all too late.

At 5am, I coughed so hard, I woke up. My grandma wasn't happy, and accused me of not wearing enough clothes. She complains way too much. And when she complains, she basically covers all possible topics. I don't know how she does that, but somehow the topic switched from water to clothes to my phone call. And that's where the trouble started.


I was so scared. My instinct was to lie and say it was my classmate. I "won" the argument by saying "stop complaining, I want to sleep" then falling silent.

If I jumped out the window, would my grandma expose me? Will my family still care about me? If I had a screwdriver (to unscrew the window frame), I would've probably done it.

But I can't. The urge to die made me realise how much I don't want to die. I had about 20 minutes left, and I had to do something before my grandma exposes me.

So I thought, GRANDMA CAN'T EXPOSE ME IF I EXPOSE MYSELF FIRST!!!!! (Hamilton, anyone?)

I used the time I had left to plan an entire script (scrip), and decided to tell my mom.

Fear kept me awake, so I left my bed 5 minutes earlier to prepare. 

I told my mom, "You know your friend's daughter has a crush, right? (Her sister exposed her at a church gathering.) I think these things should be actively pursued. We shouldn't just sit and wait for them to come."

My mom understood. And for that, I'm thankful.

I think I'm gonna avoid being alone with my grandma. I'll "work on my sewing project after school" and return home at 6.

Let's hope everything goes well.

I think this is officially the scariest day of my life.

Things that happened, and I feel I need to write them downWhere stories live. Discover now