Part 10

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"I am so proud of each and every one of you. This journey hasn't been an easy one, and to be honest it won't get any easier from here, but all of you have accomplished something amazing whether it was your choice to do so or not." After nine long months they finally reached the climax they were waiting for.  A slight scoff left Ranmaru's lips. It definitely wasn't his first choice to come to a place like this. That's for sure. Although, as his gaze settled back on [Name] giving her speech, he couldn't help but be a little glad he ended up here. He wouldn't have met her if he didn't. "I wish you all the best and hope you use the support you've built with one another to stay on the path of sobriety. With that being said, congratulations on graduating our program!" Everyone, including the doctors, began clapping. "We have snacks set up in the lobby so let's make this last moment we have together a great one." [Name] smiled as people started standing up causing the dragging sound of chairs against linoleum to fill the air.

Frankly, Ranmaru had no interest in celebrating with all these people. He spent most of his time avoiding them while he was here so he didn't see the purpose of spending his last moments in this hell hole with all of them. He took the opportunity of everyone shuffling out of the auditorium doors to make his escape back to his room. The living quarters wing was barren as everyone else elected to join in the festivities. He figured a last look around to ensure he wasn't leaving anything behind was a much better idea.

A soft knocking met his ears causing him to glance towards his open doorway. Ranmaru was dumbfounded to see [Name] standing there, a smile gracing her lips, as she held her hand up still from her knocking on the door frame. The sound of people laughing and talking could be heard in the distance but his focus was solely on the woman in front of him. His brain better not be playing tricks on him again... 

"Not feeling social?" She questioned, entering the room and encroaching upon his space. Ranmaru couldn't help the little scoff that left his lips.

"What about you? Shouldn't you be out there celebrating with them?" He watched her diligently

"They can manage without me for a bit." A soft chuckle left her heavenly lips causing him to raise a delicate brow in question. "I wanted to check on you since you were my patient too, after all. Plus I personally wanted to congratulate you."  His eyes glanced down as she swiftly extended her hand towards him wanting him to take it. His eyes momentarily glanced back up to look at her face, noticing her softly biting on her lip, as she stood there slightly fidgeting like she was anticipating something... And that's when the realization hit him- as of this moment he was no longer her patient. 

Without hesitation Ranmaru firmly grabbed her hand and pulled [Name's] body into his. A slight gasp left her lips at the abrupt movement before they were quickly devoured by his lips. He could feel her body stiffen against his touch as he placed his other hand securely at the small of her back before he felt her relax into him. A slight groan emanated from his throat as he felt her reach her free hand up to the nape of his neck, pressing harder against him. Maybe rehab wasn't completely bad after all...

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