Beautiful Nightmare - Ch. 3 Kiss of Death

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Kiss Of Death

It was time. The moment we all have been waiting for. Cleoh's birthday. We were going to one of the most prestigious clubs here in Oregon. The Kiss of Death club. It was hard to get past the name the first time I heard it. But, maybe it was all of the sandwiches I shoved down my throat at lunch today. I was certain I was going to lose it.

I was very suspicious about this club. It didn't seem right. Everything - it's name specifically - made me feel uneasy. Like I've heard it before. Or seen it. But I wasn't very sure. Every bone in my body though begged to differ. It was screaming, "GO! You know you want to go, Ileanna. Just do it. Don't be the goody - two - shoes everyone expects. For once in your life do something drastic."

I shuddered at that word.


Why did that word come as a shock to me?

It didn't matter now. I headed to my car, the girls gleefully following, when I saw something from the corner of my eye. It flashed. Something really fast. My heart jumped with me.

Ileanna. . .

Something called my name. I stopped in my tracks and looked out toward the road. The forest in front of our house seemed to look more inviting. In an evil, miserable way. I was locked in a daze. I wanted to go see what was lingering in the dark. I could see it move. It moved slowly though. Then, I caught glimpse of it. A pair of honey-liquid eyes. It was burning a hole right through me. It was - calling me. Like it wanted me to come forward. My blood boiled in my veins. I wanted that figure in the shadows. It was telling me to go to it.

"Ileanna," Malia called me. She put a hand on my shoulder. "What are you doing?" I heard the suspicion in her voice. It was now clear to me. I was still awake. Though it felt to me like I was dreaming. I turned toward her. To see her brown eyes full with concern. Her black hair hanging in her face.

"Yeah, did you see," I began as I turned back toward the forest. I was speechless. It was gone. There was nothing there. "Eyes."

"Um. . . No," she replied.

It must've just been my imagination. But I was sure there was something staring back at me. It was there.

It was a good thing that we lived in a small town in Oregon. You didn't have to bother with too much traffic, or holiday rushes. It was great. Avalea, Oregon. That's were we resided. It was a small town on the outskirts of Oregon. Somewhere close to the edge of the state. It was where I moved after, the incident. With my aunty Trisha, and my cousin Carlissa. They were so kind as to let me live with them.

I never really knew my dad. He disappeared before my mothers death. After I was born. My mom didn't like to talk about him. But, I knew she loved him. She used to say his name a lot in her sleep. I think it was Markus. Markus Mae. All I know about him was that he was really handsome, and loved my mother for her. It was sad to see her look at me like I was never there. Never actually there.

It was like she never wanted me there. She used to call me a mistake. She always told me that she loved me, but I was never suppose to be here. In return, she protected me with her life. Like I was a lost injured puppy. Maybe I was. I didn't want to know.

"Come on! It's time to party!" Cisley called from the back of my car. She was giddy with joy. I knew how much she loved to party. I was never there when they went out. I was always too busy. After all I was on the student government, the Committee, and the homecoming squad. It wasn't all fun and games in my life. I was in charge of organizing the basketball games, the volleyball games, managing the school funds, and making sure that we get freshly cooked meals.

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