Beautiful Nightmare - Ch. 11 CONFUSION

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The house lights were on, and I noticed that no bodies were moving inside the house. The old house that was owned by my aunty, was a two story house that looked like it was a Victorian style house. Light off-white painted the exterior, with a brown trim. The pots of plants were lined up along the hallway of the house right outside, and the windows all had their drapes drawn in front of them.

I parked right outside, and my attitude was able to get me into an accident. I was venting the entire time on my way home. Almost got hit twice, but hey, whose counting and really paying attention to me?

No one was for all I cared. Way too much was happening all at once. I just didn't know what to do.

Practically running, I barged right through the front door. I didn't notice my strength, and almost flew the door right off it's hinges. It didn't seem to phase me, because I didn't sop to notice it.

"Welcome home-," my aunty called from the kitchen. The aroma of the steak she was cooking filled the air, but I was not hungry.

"Not hungry," I shouted as I ran up the stairs to my room. Opening the door, the wind from outside filled the air, and an icy cold chill filled my bones with freight. I quickly ran to the window and closed it. It seemed to have been open for a while. The window was frozen open. I struggled for a good two minutes before I got it to budge a bit. Then, the wind decided to help me out. A gust blew threw my door and it snapped the window shut. I jumped back and stared at the window expecting a storm to hit.

"Oh, Ileanna you need to stop with all this jumping around," I sighed to myself as I sat on my bed. I didn't feel quite at home all of a sudden. The room felt small. My room, it was painted a rose pink, a walk in closet sat next to the window which overlooked a forest right outside. Another door lead to my bathroom, and even that felt dangerous. I lowered my eyes as I felt myself well up with tears. I didn't want to leave, but I felt like I was going to have to sooner or later.

A desk sat across from my bed on the opposite side of the room. It was off for most of the school year this year. I didn't bother to turn it on, afraid of what will happen to me. I mean, who wouldn't be?

When your life is being pestered by bad luck, who is waiting on the other side of my door, wouldn't you want to get away as far as you can? You see, I was afraid of not getting hurt, but who I was going to get hurt by. People you cant remember start to pop back up, well that's the scariest. I never really did care about who liked me or who I knew around school. Al I knew was that I was loved by my family and that's all that mattered to me.

My mind seemed to get into the mind frame of "I don't want to get hurt, so I'll stay away," but I was never the type to run away. I'll always stay at close range, spectating on the side lines.

Who was he exactly? The young man that I met three times in my life. I wanted to know. He was always showing up when I needed someone the most. The thing I wanted to know the most was his name. with looks like his, he might be an Edward, or James . . . Something cute.

My head turned to my dresser, where I kept my favorite books. The latest book I was reading was Twilight. I loved the saga. The ever conflicting Edward was my favorite. But, I couldn't help to think that Jacob was more made for me. Bella was a lucky girl. To have found a love like Edward. I wanted my own Edward. Like it will ever happen.

I didn't say much after-the-fact I was about to fall asleep. Tears streamed down my face as I laid my head on my pillow. I could my eyes swelling from the pressure. I never did really like crying. I closed my eyes and saw him again. This time I didn't open my eyes, I just fell into a lifeless dream that would never be.

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