Chapter 1

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Winter Forest, Burgess: year 2329 ( 317 years later after the fight with Pitch)

Ariadne looks out at the view of the city in front of her. The wind playing with her as she observes the mortals below her. Suddenly, Ariadne quickly steps to the left as a bullet just misses her, clipping some of her hair. She narrows her eyes and draws out her swords as she looks ahead, her eyes scanning for her attacker. A lone figure can be briefly seen disappearing behind a building, Ariadne narrows her eyes and chases after the figure as another strange figure takes a shot at her from the other side. She felt the presence of a bullet behind her and quickly turns around to deflect it

"So there's two of you huh?..."

laughter seems to echo out of the darkness, Ariadne growls in frustration as she looked around her.

"Show yourself you cowards!!!"

A tall blonde haired man steps out of the shadows to greet her.


Ariadne narrows her eyes at the blonde man and points one of her swords at him.

"Where's the other one? I know there's two of you."

He looks around and shrugs

"I've no idea what you speak of."

"Don't play games with me, I can sense your partner hiding behind us"

Ariadne narrows her eyes at the blond man.

"who are you?"

"The distraction"

Another man steps out of the shadows behind her and throws a small needle towards her direction. Ariadne's eyes rapidly changed into black and red as purple flames erupted behind her and disintegrate the needle. The man quickly throws a few more before disappearing into the darkness as the blonde one does the same. She dodges and deflects them before looking around to see that they're gone.

"Tch, Dammit...."

The blonde man's words echo from the darkness around her.

"We failed this time but don't think this is the last you've seen of us~ "

Ariadne felt their presence withdraw..for now. She narrows her eyes and sheathe her swords.

"Tch, goddamn imbeciles."

She then turns to look in the sky to see the northern lights and heads to the North pole. She can see Sandy slightly ahead of her also heading towards to north pole, taking a slow stroll so as to thoroughly spread his dream sand. Ariadne quickens her speed and catches up to Sandy

"Hello Sandy."

Sandy smiles and waves.

"So what do you think North wants us for?"

he thinks about it then simply shrugs.

"Guess we'll just have to wait and see."

Sandy finishes up with the dreams and then makes a two seated plane and gestures to it offering Ariadne a ride. She hops into the seat and gives Sandy a thumbs up, he forms helmets for both of them, then takes off quickly reaching the north pole.

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