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“koi perwah nai inhen meri”

“Look! How peacefully, he is sleeping, while I couldn’t even blink an eye”

“Why the hell only women have to go through all this?”

“kitna dil ker ra hea is waqt mera……kulfi khane ka, ras malaai khane ka”

She was constantly talking to herself while he was peacefully sleeping in his bed, next to her. She couldn’t sleep at all, every now and then she would peak at his sleeping prince charming who, at that time was not at all looking like a prince charming. She crossed her arms around her chest.

“Suniye!.....uthiyee…..” she tried once again to wake him up but he was a heavy sleeper.

“Aaaaaaaa!....Aaaaaaaaaa!....Shehryaaaar! am dying, am dying!.....” She started yelling aloud bringing her mouth near his ears and he literally jumped up on the bed and grabbed her by her shoulders

“wha….waht…what happened? Are you okay? Should I call the doctor?....cell phone! My cell phone…..where the hell is it?” Shehy was looking here and there still holding her and she was smirking at him, he got so disturbed and worried by her sudden yellings that he was almost in sweat.

“Shehryaar!...get up!…wake up, for the love of God!.. .Am okay!.....don’t call the doctor” Maryam tried to calm him down, taking his face in her palms and he looked closely at her face and sighed deeply.

“God!...... begum! What the hell!....you scared the hell out of me, why are you torturing me? Why?” Shehry put his head in his hands

“Am torturing you?....am torturing you?....how can you say this? How can you be so insensitive?” Maryam again crossed her arms and looked sad and angry. Shehry rolled his eyes helplessly

“What do you want?” Shehry asked, trying to be polite

“I want kulfi…..right now” Maryam sad making a puppy face

“What??? Right now? begum! Its almost 2 in the morning” Shehry said with wide eyes and Maryam’s face turned from sad to angry again

“I know you don’t love me anymore” Maryam looked away and Shehry was like…. Punching himself for saying no to her in first place

Maryam has become like this for past few months…… she was 7 months pregnant and for last few months she was living on a roller coaster of emotions, and her demands were making Shehry mad.  Shehry knew that maryam could anytime any minute ask for a kulfi, or a pancake, or timarind, or pickle or cotton candy or anything…. And she didn’t care about the place and time, she simply wants that and Shehry had to give her that.

“oh! Begum! It’s not like that… come on, I love you. I love more than you think, but kulfi?.... at this time? Isn’t it a bit too late for that?” Shehry tried to convince her

“its not me okay! Its your kids….. can you even imagine carrying this weight along with you all the day?.... and am not carrying one, they are two! My God! Shehryaar, they are hungry… they want kulfi” Maryam said like a stubborn child and Shehry tried to hide his smile. She was so cute, even when she was hell angry or demanding. In the past few months Shehry started loving her even more. Her little demands and the stubbornness made her even cuter.

“What are you smiling at Mr. Shehryaar Asif?.... go! And bring us kulfi” Maryam said in a firm tone

“Oh no! I won’t eat yaar, am full” Shehry said, referring to her “us”

“Am talking about US…. Me and these two footballers” Marya rolled her eyes and pointed towards her tummy and Shehry laughed


“yeah! Because all the day and night they keep on kicking me” Maryam explained and he got up from the bed, still laughing at her cute expressions

“hey! Listen, champ! And you princess!... don’t you dare do any hanky panky with my Queen okay!......be good to her” Shehry came to her side of the bed and bending down he said very seriously, looking at her tummy and Maryam laughed

“First, you be good to me sweetheart and bring me my kulfi…….” Maryam said and Shehry stood up and grabbed his car keys.

“But if all the shops would be closed…. Don’t blame me, okay?” Shehry started walking towards the door

“okay, if you won’t find any Kulfi, then bring me some gol gappey…. Or, ummm ras malaai” maryam said smilling ear to ear and Shehry stopped, turned to face her his expressions were weird

“Maryam, ras malaai and Gol gappey?..... bad combination, in fact worst combination” Shehry said, his eyes all wide

“So?... that doesn’t matter at all. I just want to eat all of them, am famished Shehryaar!” Maryam made a puppy face at the end and Shehry smiled

“You have become so weird begum! Literally, if they will be the same… then, God! Save me please” Shehry said and then looked up at the ceiling as if asking help from God and Maryam glared at him.

“Hey, and honestly Maryam you were right! Two are enough, 12 mein mera kia hasher ho ga I can imagine that” Shehry said turning back to her and winked. Maryam threw a pillow at him and he hurriedly ran towards the door.

“Hey! Bring me an extra scoop as well!......” Maryam yelled out a loud and Shehry who was just near the door rolled his eyes “she is crazy….seriously”

Maryam and ShehryaarWhere stories live. Discover now