Linta And Ayaan <3 (last chapter)

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Shehry was desperately walking in the hospital’s lobby…right left, left right. His heartbeat was racing and eyes sticked on the OT door. Saba and Asif were also there while Hussain was with Maha at home. Saba was constantly reciting something and Asif was sitting next to her on the chairs outside the operation theater.

“beta! Calm down, she will be okay” Saba stood up and put a hand on his shoulder, he stopped and looked at her mother’s face, he was looking hell worried.

Maryam’s case was normally going, but at the end the doctors told them that one of the baby; the girl, has messed up with the umbilical cord in her neck… it was badly tied up around her neck and they had to operate asap.

“Shehryaar! Don’t get worried…. They will be alright” Maryam put a hand on his shoulder when she was about to be taken to the operation theater, he looked at her angrily

“it’s not about them only Maryam, am worried about you” he cupped her face in his palms and looked into her eyes… “ you are far more important than anyone else” he added and Maryam smiled

“I know this Shehryaar!.....I know this, just wanted to hear it again from you, one last time ” Maryam said with a tear in her eyes and Shehry bent down and touched her forehead with her

“And it’s not going to be the last time, okay!..... I can say this over and over again for you without getting exhausted….. I love you begum!”  Shehry whispered and Maryam smiled… “I love you more” She whispered back. And with that they took her to the OT leaving him behind…. He silently mouthed “I love you most….I love you most Maryam”

“Shehry?.....Shehry!” Saba shook his shoulder, making him come out of his thoughts and he looked at her

“She will be okay, and so would my grand children…. I know” Saba smiled at him and he smiled back, weakly.

After another half hour the doctor came out and Shehry along with Asif and Saba hurried towards him

“How is Maryam Doc?” Shehry asked, looking at his face

“She is alright… but unconscious right now and the babies are perfectly well, Congratulations Mr. Asif” the doctor said with a smile and patted Shehry’s shoulder. Shehry sighed deep in relief so did Saba.

“oh!... Thanks God!...  hey! Doc, can I see her … I mean them” Shehry asked a huge grin plastered on his face

“Am afraid, Mr Asif you have to wait for your wife, she needs to stay in the recovery room for a while. Your daughter is in the nursery… you can see her one  by one, and your son is with the nurse you can see him right now” the doc explained and Shehry smiled at him

“Thanks doc, thanks a lot” Shehry shook hands with him and they headed towards the Nursery. The nurse was already holding him in a cute plush baby blue blanket…. She handed him to Shehry and he carefully took him in his arms. He took him as if he would break down anytime. Shehry looked at his face and softly kissed his forehead, his eyes wet and the same huge grin plastered on his face. He kept on looking at him, then slowly handed him to Saba, who was all so excited to carry her first grand child….. Saba and Asif looked at him

“MashaAllah!... Shehry he is so like maryam” Saba said and Shehry smiled looking at his face

Asif then took him and he gave Azaan (prayer) in his ear…. Shehry stood there looking at his father holding his son, what an amazing sight…. The nurse came and called Shehry inside, he went inside and she pointed towards an incubator, in which lay a small pink figure…. Moving her hands and legs, her eyes were covered to protect them from the light of the incubator….it was her, his daughter. He silently looked at her and smiled, once again, his eyes got wet. It was strange, so strange…. Whatever he was feeling, he never felt that before. It was just so amazing becoming a father. Father of twins… he smiled broadly and turned out to send Saba and Asif in

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