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You've been best friends with Anna since you were really little. You pretty much went to her house everyday and slept over at her house quite a bit since your parents were never home due to them having to travel for work so much. So that meant you were at the Seavey household most of your time. Also meaning you saw Daniel a lot. As you got older you discovered your feelings toward Daniel were only growing. But Anna could not know that. Anna was a grade under you and you were in the same grade as Daniel. But you and Daniel rarely talked except for his occasional smile at you or hi when you came to his house. But he was gone a lot because of the band.

"Do you want to come over to my house after school?" Anna asked.
"Duh" You said and laughed.
"Oh also, Daniel is coming back today from LA so my house may be a little hectic." She laughed
"Oh yeah that's fine" you laughed as you tried to hide your excitement. You hadn't seen Daniel in about 2 months.

You walked to the front door and walked in the house.
"Hey Anna!" Daniel said excitedly. Anna dropped her bag and ran into Daniels arms for a big hug. You just stood there awkwardly.
"Hey Y/N!" Keri said and hugged you.
"Hey Keri!" You smiled and saw Daniel smiling at you, you blushed and ignored it thinking he was probably just happy to see his family and be home.
"Ok, now let's go Y/N! I need your help picking out an outfit!" She grabbed your hand and pulled you upstairs as you threw Daniel a small smile and went upstairs to Anna's room.

Anna rambled on and on about how she was excited for the date she had tonight, you were happy for her and she was of course your best friend, but you wish you could just talk to her about your feeling towards Daniel. You couldn't get him off your mind. His smile, his laugh, the way he lights up around his family, everything about him.
"Y/N! Y/N!?" Anna asked snapping her fingers in front of your face. "Whats wrong, I know you weren't listening to me at all." Anna said putting the cloths down and sitting next to you on the bed. You put your face in your hands and you sighed.
"Just a boy" you said. If there was anything you knew about this situation, it was that you were definitely not telling Anna you liked her older brother.
"What boy?" She asked.
"I'm not saying, but I really need to rant" you said chuckling slightly.
"Ok" she laughed, "go ahead."
"He's just the sweetest boy ever, and he's cute too, everything about him. It's just that he gives no signs about whether he feels the same way I do. I see him practically everyday and all he does is smile at me, doesn't ever say anything." You told her, not giving away too much.
"Hmm, well I would make a move based on what you think." She explained. You could tell she was clueless that you were talking about her brother, and it was going to stay that way.
"Ok, thank you so much Anna!" You said excitedly and hugged her.
"Where are you going" she laughed.
"To make my move!" And you ran out of the room as she laughed at you.
You ran out of her room and closed her bedroom door again and you were met with a pair of bright blue eyes and a tooth gap smiling at you. Daniel grabbed your hand gently and pulled you to his room and closed the door.
"Not if I make my move first" he said and grabbed your face gently and pushed his soft lips onto yours. You kissed back with a huge smile.
"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that, but I didn't know if you felt the same way" Daniel laughed.
"Likewise" you chuckled, grabbing his cheeks and pulling him in for another short kiss.
"Y/N, I hope this isn't too soon, but I've already waited too long, do you want to be my girlfriend" he smiled with hope in his eyes.
"Of course" you said said excitedly and hugged him, he wrapped his arms around you, making you feel warm and safe.
"But Anna, she cant know" you said a little worried.
"Oh yeah, we're not telling her." He agreed.
"This is going to be fun trying to keep a secret this big." You said sarcastically.
"Totally" he laughed. "I want to take you on a date though" he explained.
"Ok, how about I sneak here tomorrow night after Anna thinks I've left, then we just stay in your room and snack and watch a movie." you suggested.
"Perfect" he smiled.

The next day you were at the Seaveys house again with Anna and you guys were just hanging out in her room on your phones, you were actually texting Daniel.

Daniel- Babe🥰😏 Y/N- Girlfwend😍🤩
Babe🥰😏- Hey gorgeous
Girlfwend😍🤩- Hey handsome
Babe🥰😏- Where are you?
Girlfwend😍🤩- Anna's room, I'll leave in a minute 😉
Babe🥰😏- Ok see you soon cutie 😘
Girlfwend😍🤩- Okie dokie 😘

"Why are you smiling all goofy?" Anna asked laughing and setting down her phone.
"Oh nothing, I saw something funny on Instagram. Also I need to go, I have something I need to do at home." You got up and gave Anna a hug.
"Oh ok, bye! See you tomorrow" She hugged back. You walked out of her room and closed the door so she wouldn't see that you were actually heading to Daniels room. You got to his door and knocked.
"Come in" you heard from inside his room.
"Hey babe" you greeted with a smile and plopped down on his bed.
"Hey Y/N." He smiled at you happily. "What do you want to watch" He asked pulling you into his arms under the covers of his bed, and you cuddled closer to him.
"Um I don't know, how about Captain America." You suggested.
"Ooh yeah!" He said excitedly. He got up and you whined from the loss of warmth.
"What are you whining about." he laughed.
"I was cuddling you" you said fake pouting. He rolled his eyes with a smile and put the dvd in, and grabbed the snacks, then got back in bed and pulled you close to him again.
"Gosh I'm so lucky" you said quietly.
"Me too" he chuckled, you blushed at his remark. You were happy your head was against his chest so he couldn't see your face turning pink.

You guys were watching the movie still cuddling and both of you had finished eating snacks. You were slowly falling asleep, but you were fighting it, because you knew Anna couldn't find out, so it would be a risk to sleep here. Your head would slowly fall as you fell asleep, then you would yank it back up to wake up. Daniel noticed, and he kissed your cheek and looked down at you.
"Hey, you can go to sleep, it'll be fine, plus it's midnight and you have school tomorrow, I'll drive you to your house to change and then drop you off at school tomorrow, ok?" He suggested. You nodded your head and looked up into his blue eyes and kissed him and you immediately fell asleep in his arms afterward.

You were both woken up to a pounding on the door.
"Danielllll!!!" Anna screamed from the other side.
"What?!" He asked groggily.
"Can you please drive me to school?" Anna asked. "Also, why is your door locked, you never lock it?" Her question made both of us wake up fully.
"What do I say." He whispered to you.
"I don't know, say your sick or something." You responded trying to think of what to do.
"No" *fake cough* "I don't think I can, I'm sick" Daniel responded and gave you a shrug. You stifled a laugh and got up to change into your cloths, since you had worn Daniels hoodie and sweat pants to bed. He got up also.
"Oh ok, I'll just ask mom then, get better!" Anna said.
"Ok thanks Anna" Daniel responded.

After you both heard the front door close and Anna leave, you both walked out, and Daniel grabbed his keys. He drove you to your house and you ran in and threw your hair up in a messy braid, and changed into a hoodie and jeans, then ran out the door since you were going to be late.
"I'm going to be so late ugh" You stressed to Daniel.
"Hey, it's fine, maybe you should call in sick to first period and then go to the rest of the day and we can just spend time together" he suggested as he put his hand on your knee comfortingly, and drove.
"Yeah, ok, sure." So you called the school and called in sick to first period.

You and Daniel had just hung out in the car and goofed around during your first hour, then you said bye to him and he told you he would pick you up after school along with Anna.

You got into your second period, which was AP literature, and you had this class with Anna.
"Where were you first hour!?" Anna interrogated you.
"Oh uh, I woke up late, so I skipped first." You explained.
"Oh ok" she responded. "Oh, by the way, Daniel said he would pick us up and take us to my house after school" she told you.
Without thinking, you responded, "I know" then you immediately internally face palmed after you said that.
"What do you mean, you know? You haven't seen him since yesterday and he told me today" She asked confused.
"Girls be quiet!" The teacher warned.
"ok, sorry Mrs. White." You smiled, then quickly whispered to Anna.
"I uh, saw him when I went on a run this morning, and he told me" you made up an excuse.
"You don't run" she said raising an eyebrow.
"New Years resolution?" You said as more of a question.
"Y/N it's October"
"Never too late to make change am I right" You laughed nervously hoping she didn't suspect anything. She raised her eyebrow at you and nodded her head, then went back to the assignment.

It was the end of the day and Anna and you met up and walked out to where Daniel was waiting, you sat in the front and Anna in the back.
"Hey ba-" Daniel started then stopped himself and quickly looked back at Anna who was giving him a weird look. "Hey b-bee! Look at the bee! Wow that's scary" he chuckled nervously trying to play off what he almost just said
"You're such a weirdo Daniel" Anna scoffed and you laughed and shot Daniel a worried glance and returned the same one with a small smile.

You guys got home without anymore slip ups. When you got there Anna and you walked up the stairs with Daniel not far behind, heading to his room.
"Hey Anna, I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick, I'll be right back."
"Ok" Once Anna closed the door you went straight for Daniels room. You went in to find him sitting on his bed. He looked up at you and smiled widely.
"Hey beautiful"
"Hey hottie" you said back with a smile. "I can't be long, Anna thinks I'm going to the bathroom." You laughed.
"Ughhh, ok, can we spend some time time together after you" He did air quotes, "leave" you went up to him and kissed him on the cheek.
"Yes of course." Then he grabbed your cheeks softly and pulled you in for a passionate kiss, which you returned. It slowly turned into a make out session as his hands traveled to your waist and the kiss deepened. He trailed his kissed down to your neck and started sucking on it, then when you realized what was happening you tried to stop it before it got out of hand.
"Daniel" You said as he was still giving you a hickey. "Daniel!" You shouted quietly as you pushed him off.
"What, I'm just claiming what is mine." He said with a smirk. You laughed and then went into his bathroom to look at what he just did.
"Ugh, how am I supposed to hide this from Anna??" You shouted quietly.
"I don't know, just try not to show your neck." He suggested.
"Ugh your so annoying" you said about to walk out.
"Also cute though, just like you" he remarked. You turned around and pecked him on the lips and walked out, straight into Anna.
"A-Anna! Hey!"
"Hey Y/N! What were you doing in Daniels room?"
"Um, she was giving me back a pencil she borrowed today." He jumped in the conversation.
"How could she have borrowed a pencil if you don't go to school?"
"He gave it to me when I saw him on my run" You attempted to cover up both of your lies. Anna just stood there with her eyebrow raised and her eyeing you guys, until her eyes met the bruise on your neck. Your eyes went wide as well when you knew she had spotted it, by her facial expression.
"What is that?" Anna asked almost afraid of the answer.
"I-I" You stuttered as tears brimmed your eyes afraid that Anna would hate you for dating Daniel.
"I'm sorry Anna, I-." You stuttered some more, the tears threatening to spill.
"Anna, we're sorry, we can't help our feelings for each other." Daniel finally explained. Anna pulled you into a hug as you let out a huge sigh. She rubbed your back comfortingly.
"Shh, it's fine Y/N, I've known for a little while, you guys aren't very good at lying or keeping secrets. I'm happy for you two, you guys are really cute together." You pulled out of the hug and let out a deep breath that you had been holding. Anna walked up to Daniel, and put her finger on his chest.
"But you mr. Daniel Seavey, if you steal away my best friend, or hurt her, I will hunt your down and kill you." Anna said seriously. Then she turned to you and smiled and grabbed your hand, pulling you to her room, you and Daniel laughed and you blew Daniel a kiss, so happy Anna wasn't mad about the huge secret you kept.
a/n : Part 2 anyone? Haha this was so long.

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