♞ Dix-sept ♞

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Before y'all start This is wattpad meaning nothing is real, it's all my imagination

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Before y'all start This is wattpad meaning nothing is real, it's all my imagination. I know it takes time and observations or whatever before a jewelry is being marketed.
Now enjoy ✌🏽✌🏽

•Unknown POV•
"So how did it go with the man? Did he discrypt anything about the tattoo? "
"Calm the fuck down and yes he did. I know where they hide the book, it was just written in Thaï. I will go there with some of my men."
"Ok then, don't forget what you promised"
"Yeah, stop reminding it to me each time just be patient."



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I was now signing a check for the staffs to the manager, who helped in building up the jewelry store in front of the counter.

"Here like we said, you guys did an amazing job in such a short time, I love the result thanks a lot."I said giving him the check.
"It's our job madam and thanks for calling on us. We'll now be on our way"  he said .

"Yeah sure " once they left, I took the opportunity to finally appreciate the interior design, the display is everything also with the lights. Everything was well made, but I guess that was because I knew which colors I wanted right from the start. I had prepared everything
I can't wait for it to be finally opened, also the manufacturers have almost finished the jewels they're just doing the final touches.

Once done verifying that everything was how I wanted it to be, Ii was now time to lock the store cause I have elsewhere to be. I need to be at the job interview cause I want employees that have passion for the beauty of gifts , marriage,anniversary anything that can be related to jewelry.

 I need to be at the job interview cause I want employees that have passion for the beauty of gifts , marriage,anniversary anything that can be related to jewelry

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"Can I have your resume please ?"
"Yeah sure "
"So ..... Ms. Lorraine can you tell me a little about yourself?" Right when she walked through the door , I love how she was dressed and her makeup was well blended. It's a jewelry store so you need to be presentable for the clients and that is already a plus for her. But I also want to know her ..

"Well my name is Rose Lorraine, I'm 24-"
"Stop, that wasn't my question all I need to do is read your resume and I know how to do that Ms.Lorraine. Ok, so why do you need this job ? "

"I need this job not because I need money to pay my rent which is one but I have a special place in my heart for handmade jewelry, when I was 16 we had a trip to my motherland in Mexico, it was in a village where my mom showed me where she got her passion for jewelry's from. After that I felt the need to be more close to my mom by doing the same thing as her.

"Oh, That's really good and what types of jewel do your mother do "
"It's a traditional mexicain jewelry for women "

"Well, that's great Ms.Lorraine thanks so much for wanting to be part of ifunaya&co. We will contact you if you got the job. Thanks again and have a nice day"

"My pleasure, Ms.Suparat." I just nod my head.
I proceed to press the fax for the next candidate but my hand phone started to ring.

"Yes Louis, any news for me ?"
"Yes Ma'am , you might want to see the informations for yourself "
"Ok I will be there ".

"Yes Louis, any news for me ?" "Yes Ma'am , you might want to see the informations for yourself ""Ok I will be there "

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"So what do you have this time " I asked him.
"You won't be happy of what I found "
"Just show me " he proceed to give me the files that he was hold I while ago with a tiger logo on it.

I open the first file that showed my everything about The Italien mafia , 'The Serpente'. I was strangely having some weird feelings, all of a sudden and I have no clue why it is. It's shows their logo , a snake of course ; where the head mansion is located, their rank... imagining ranking this low and decide to come for me. This will be fun.

I proceed to other files to see the mafia members, from their associates, soldiers, capo and then underboss? Marco? Why is he here ?
Wait a God damn minute!
He's part of the mafia ? Omg Eva ? Or does she know ?
Louis chuckles "And You haven't seen the boss yet"

"What " it came out like a whisper then I proceed to see the Boss and it was none other then Alessandro , I didn't know that I crumpled the paper with anger until I heard Louis telling me to calm down.

Tsk tsk Alessandro you're really a dead meat 😱

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Tsk tsk Alessandro you're
really a dead meat 😱 .
What should Isabella do ?

Oh I would like to know where my readers are from ?

  𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 & 𝐏𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 ❤️‍🔥 👊🏽| +18Where stories live. Discover now