♞Dix-huit ♞

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So ya girl finally decided to update lol 😆  enjoy! ❤️NOT EDITED

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So ya girl finally decided to update lol 😆  enjoy! ❤️


"Boss, what are we going to do ?" Louis asked

"Je ne sais pas, " I said still not believing what I just saw, 'how can he do this to me ?' I thought.

"OK, but just know that whatever you order will be done, " said Marco and I can only nod.

Then he walks out of my office. I turned myself to the window,  I was only looking at the sky but it was an empty stare. I don't know what to do. 'What was his motive? ' This can't happen when I finally find someone I love.

A tear run down from my eye, I was feeling weak all of a sudden like I haven't eaten since morning like I'm about to pass out. Then I pulled my chair to sit on it with my hand rubbing my forehead. I stayed like that until Louis reminds me that it was already 7 pm

"I've you figured out what we should do ?"

"No," I said then stood up to leave.

"Oh find out why he came to France and why came to me, I want to know everything "

"Yes madam" then he bowed his head.

Alessandro hotel room at Isabella's hotel

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Alessandro hotel room at Isabella's hotel

•Narrator POV•

She walked her self in front of his room then take a deep breath. '400' she read the room number then knock. The minute the door opened she pointed her gun right on his forehead.

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't blow your fucking skull Di Niro? "

"What ?"

"Cut the acting bitch, I know who you're the Don of the Italian Mafia known as "Serpent" ". He felt like cold water was poured to him. What he was trying his best to hide has been discovered.

"Lemme me explain babe, " he said

"Shut your trap up, now listen to me I want you to pack all your bloody things and get the fuck out of my hotel before -"

  𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 & 𝐏𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 ❤️‍🔥 👊🏽| +18Where stories live. Discover now