Chapter 1

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A/N: The picture above is what Stella looks like. Enjoy the chapter!

Stella's POV:

I ran as fast as I could, jumping from tree to tree, the royal guards still chased after me on the ground below me. I was running out of trees to jump to but luckily a waterfall came into view, I pushed off the last branch with all my might and I landed on the other side. I quickly turned around and saw them standing on the other side cursing at me.

"Better luck next time boys!" I yelled, I smirked knowing that they still couldn't catch me even after 9 years. I turned and ran deeper into the woods, to my camp, I could faintly hear one of the guards yelling at the others about how they should have been able to catch me.


Night had come quickly and soon I was laying under the night sky looking at the stars, looking at them always made me think of my father. He always had a fascination with stars I think it was one of the reasons he named me Stella, he always called me his little star.

The night was dark and the stars shone bright in the sky, 6 year old me ran around in an open field not far from the cottage. My father sat on the ground writing in his journal looking up at the sky occasionally, I giggled as I chased the fireflies.

"Stella, come here." He called to me, I quickly ran over to him with a smile. He gestured to the spot next to him, where I quickly sat, and he pointed to the stars; I watched him as he explained anything and everything about stars, as he did I couldn't help but smile. I loved when he would explain the stars to me because his dark brown eyes had a sparkle, he smiled brightly and he looked much younger as well.

"They're so pretty." I said in awe, looking up at the stars.

"They are nothing compared to you, my little star." He said grinning at me, I giggled and shook my head at him. He quickly attacked my sides tickling me, I shrieked with laughter and my father joined me in my laughter.

A tear ran down my face and I quickly wiped it away, I heard faint melody causing me too sit up. I quickly grabbed my weapons and put them in their respected sheathes, while pulling my hood up on my cloak; I followed the directions from where the music was coming from, I stumbled across a clearing filled with boys dancing around a fire.

However, there was one boy that was not dancing instead he was sitting on a log playing a pan flute. I realized that it was him who was playing the music that had drawn me this clearing, I couldn't see his face as his sat there which made me curious. I glanced around the clearing and settled my eyes on the dancing boys, they all ranged from 6 to 18, it made me wonder what they were doing out here. I hadn't realized that the music had stopped until I turned to see that the boy who was playing the pipes was right in front of me, he pulled down his hood and I could finally see his face.

"Well, who do we have here?" He said with a british accent, he stepped forward as I stepped back. He pouted mockingly which infuriated me to no end, I rolled my eyes at him and pulled down my hood showing my face. He raised an eyebrow clearly not expecting me although I don't see why, I mean I'm pretty much well known in the Enchanted Forest for being a thief and a damn good one at that.

"You're not what I was expecting, love." He said, I shook my head and laughed softly.

"Yeah, I kinda figured by the way you looked at me when I pulled down my hood." I said tilting my head to the side with a sarcastic smile, his eyes shined with amusement as he smirked.

"You've got fire, I like fire." He stated taking a step closer to me causing me to take another step back, I looked around to see that we had caught the attention of all of the dancing boys. I looked back at the boy in front of me taking a good look at him; his eyes were a dark green, his hair was so dirty blonde that it could have been mistaken for brown, he had a button nose and his lips were pink and plump. I hadn't realized I was staring until he cleared his throat, I fought down a blush and snapped my eyes quickly to his eyes. This caused him to chuckle and me to scowl, I turned to walk away when he quickly caught my arm.

"What? I'm leaving." I stated through clenched teeth, again he raised his eyebrow making me wonder if he could possibly make it go any higher.

"You heard my pipes didn't you? That's why you were drawn here." He stated, which caused my jaw to loosen slightly.

"Of course I heard your pipes, so what? It doesn't mean anything." I stated turning to walk away again before I was quickly turned around once more.

"My pipes aren't heard by just anybody, it means you're lost." He stated rolling his eyes, that made me want to smack him upside his head but I refrained myself from doing so.

"I'm not lost, I know my way around this place better then you do." I said huffing, this boy was a complete pain I don't know how he managed to not get himself killed.

"Not that kind of lost, as in you have no one that cares for you, they neglect you and they abuse you." He says stepping closer, I make no move in stepping back knowing that if I did he would just get closer; in away he made sense but I wasn't about to tell him that.

"Okay say I am lost in that sense, why does it matter?" I asked causing him to smile sarcastically, which surprised me a little because it seemed to me all he could do was smirk.

"I can take you away from here, to a place with no adults telling us what to do and where we are free." He said that made me think, a place with no adults and where were I was free seemed to good to be true. From what my father always taught me that if it seemed to good to be true that usually meant it was, I glanced around to the boys that were still watching us to see that some of them actually seemed happy while the rest were either bored or tired.

"What's this place called?" I asked curiously, he smirked once again before replying.

"It's called Neverland, love." I rolled my eyes once again, that nickname angered me, sometimes the guards would call me that.

"First of all, don't call me love. And second of all, how do I know that once I step foot there you won't just kill me?" I looked him waiting to see what he had to say, personally I was waiting for him to say something about just trusting him but I got the opposite.

"You don't know but it's better then just staying here where you're not wanted, right?" He made a good point, so I just nodded my head. "So, are you going stay here or come with us?" I looked at him and thought for a moment, he was right when he said that I wasn't wanted here and he made me curious about this place that he called Neverland.

"I'll go with you, but I need your name before I go anywhere." I stated straightening back to seem more confident, causing him to chuckle.

"Of course, how could I forget? I'm Peter. Peter Pan, and you are?" He smirked at me, his name sounded familiar but I couldn't quite place it.

"My name is Stella Smith." I said bored, I was ready to leave and be free. He nodded his head as he let go of my arm, I forgot that he was holding my arm, then he put his hand in his pocket taking out a magic bean.

I had heard about them but I've never actually seen one, he then threw he threw it on the ground causing it to create a portal. He turned to me offering his hand, which I took after pausing and we walked through as well as the other boys and when we did I immediately knew I was no longer in the Enchanted Forest.

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