Chapter 4

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A/N: The outfit above is what she is wearing and the video is for a fight scene coming up. Enjoy the chapter!

Stella POV:

It was midday and my back ached from sitting on a branch against a tree for so long. I finally decided it was time for me to move, I jumped down from the tree and started to run when my path was suddenly blocked by two lost boys.

"Well look who it is, our newest lost boy or should I say lost girl." A boy with an Irish accent said, he had bright red hair and bright blue eyes, the boy next to him smirked. They both took a step forward causing me to take a step back, my hand immediately went to the hilt of my sword. They chuckled and shook their head amused, I kept my face blank as I watched them trying to find a weakness that I could use to my advantage.

"We're going to enjoy this." The other boy said, he had bleach blonde hair and and green eyes, he took out his sword while the other boy took a machete. They both swung at me causing me to block them, This was how it went for a good minute before I managed to kick the red head in the gut. The blonde started to swing harder causing my arms to start to ache slightly, I pushed him hard enough to fall over.

I didn't have time to breathe before the red head swung at my legs causing me to jump to avoid getting hit, I did a round house kick successfully knocking him out. The blonde swung for my stomach which made me jump back, I nearly lost my footing but I caught myself in time. He used this momentarily distraction to his advantage, he managed to nick my arm but I bit my tongue to stop myself from yelping in pain.

I swung back harder causing him to go into defense, I somehow managed to hit his shoulder with the hilt of my sword. I stopped as he cradled his shoulder, panting from the fight.

(A/N: Watch video above for the fighting.)

"I'm going to leave and you're not going to follow me." I stated, he looked down at his sword and nodded his head. I narrowed my eyes, I expected him to try and swing me again but it seemed like I was wrong though that didn't stop me from being suspicious. I was about to turn around but he swung which I immediately blocked, he swung for my head causing me to duck but he hit me in the face with the hilt of the sword.

He raised his sword above his head and brought it down but I moved to the side hit his lower back causing him to stumble forward. He turned and swung but I blocked, he swung lower and I blocked that too. He swung for my legs but I jumped, he swung for me again but I caught his sword and moved our swords in a circular motion which loosened his grip enough for me to knock his sword out of his hands. He stumbled and fell back, I held my sword in front of his face his breathing was heavy as he looked at me with hard eyes.

"I gave you a chance to surrender but you didn't take it, I'm sorry but I can't risk you following me." I said before I knocked him out by hitting his head with the bottom of my sword. I straightened my back and sighed I rolled my shoulders a few times before I took some vines and tied both, red head and blonde, to a tree.

When I was finished I turned and ran in the direction I was heading in before I was interrupted. I found myself on a beach, I didn't feel comfortable out in the open but I looked at the sky and saw that it was almost sunset. I had an hour at the most, so I sat on a rock with my sword still in my hand and my guard still up.


It was dark and the sun had set about 2 hours ago but I didn't feel like going back yet, the fight earlier had brought up memories of my father teaching me how to fight.

"Come on Stella you have to focus." My father said, he was slightly older then when we were in the field, 7 year old me had sweat pouring down my face. My little arms were aching and I was panting from exhaustion, I lifted my sword again determined to win this time.

I grunted as I knocked his sword out of his hand and did a happy dance, I spun only to fall over with my sword knocked out of my hand. My father stood over me with his sword pointed at my face, I pouted realizing that I had lost again.

"I told you to focus my little star." He said as he pulled me up, he crouched down to my height and sighed. "You never turn your back on your enemy."

I nodded my head, he smiled and ruffled my hair. A smile grew on my face as well when I looked at him, I wrapped my tiny arms around him and he returned the action. We stood there and I savored that moment wishing that it wouldn't end.

"I was wondering where you were, the game ended 2 hours ago." A voice snapped me out of my daydream, I looked up to see that it was Pan. I stayed silent as I got up.

He walked ahead of me, it was silent between us and I was okay with that. It gave me time to think about what my father said to me, You never turn your back on your enemy, I wondered if he would be proud of what I did earlier in the forest.

"You really know how to fight with swords from what I hear, is it true?" Pan asked as he broke that silence, I glanced at him before I spoke.

"Yes, they're one of my strengths." I said plainly, he smirked and chuckled causing me to roll my eyes.

"I could see that by the way two of my lost boys looked when they returned." He stated, I felt a sense of pride when I heard that. My father would have laughed and patted me on the back, I smiled half-heartedly at the thought of that.

"Well look at that, you actually can smile." He said mockingly, I laughed at how ironic that was causing him to look at me amused though slightly confused.

"I find that ironic considering the only thing I've seen you do is smirk or smile sarcastically." I said chuckling, he thought for a moment before he nodded.

"I suppose you're right, but I haven't seen you actually smile beside it being sarcastically." He pointed out, I looked at him and nodded agreeing with him. He glanced at me and frowned.

"What?" I asked confused, he grabbed my arm causing me to hiss in pain. I forgot about one of the lost boys nicking me in my arm, he hovered his hand over the cut and his hand started to glow. He moved his hand the cut was gone, I looked at him amazed.

"Thank you." I mumbled, he nodded his head in acknowledgment of my thanks. We kept walking in silence for another few minutes, which I was thankful for.

He suddenly stopped causing me to stop too, I looked forward and realized that we had walked to camp. All of the lost boys stopped and looked at us, I spotted the two lost boys from earlier glaring at me. I smirked and winked at them knowing it would infuriate them, the younger lost boys had huge smiles.

"Well boys it seems our little mouse here deserves a celebration." Pan exclaimed causing the boys to cheer, minus the lost boys from earlier, the younger lost boys cheered the loudest. My smirk was replaced with a smile, soon I was tackled by hugs by Rufio and the others.

I finally felt at home.

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