Chapter 5

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Stella's POV:

The fire burned bright and high as the lost boys danced wildly around it, while others banged on some drums to create a rhythm. Though I wasn't dancing I still tapped my foot along to the music, I smiled as I watch them dance without a care in the world. I was so busy watching them that I didn't notice the two lost boys that I had fought earlier walk over until they stood in front of me.

"Can I help you?" I asked looking up at them, they both had a scowl on their face as they reached over and pulled me up on to my feet. "Get your hands off me!" I yelled trying to rip my arms out of their grips, it was harder then I expected but I finally managed to get out of their grips.

"We're here to teach you a lesson about what you did earlier." The red head spoke, I rolled my eyes and moved to walk past them until an arm moved in front of me, blocking my path. I looked towards the owner of the arm, causing me to come face to face with the blonde boy from earlier. I rose an eyebrow and shoved past his arm I took a few steps forward before I was pushed from behind, I landed on my hands and knees skinning them slightly.

I slowly got up and turned towards them, they were laughing at me. My face darkened and my hands clenched into a fist, I took a few steps towards them and swung my fist towards the blonde's nose and kicked the red head hard in the gut. "If you think pushing me around is going to make me back down every time you come near me then you are sadly mistaken, it's only gonna get you an ass kicking." I said lowly, they glared at me from their spots on the ground before they finally got up and walked to their tents. Of course not before hitting their shoulders against mine as they walked past, I didn't flinch when they did and I barely moved from where I stood.

I looked up to see that the lost boys were looking at me and Pan had an amused look, I started to feel slightly uncomfortable under their stares before Pan finally spoke up. "Off to bed we have work to do tomorrow." He said shooing us away to our tents, the younger lost boys ran and quickly grabbed my hands before pulling me towards the tent. I chuckled as they did finding it quite amusing that they were excited to go to bed, but then again we were all up early and they were up before me so I guess it was understandable that they were ready to go to sleep.

The boys climbed into their beds and covered up, they all smiled at me waiting for their good night kiss. After I gave each one a kiss on the head I got in my own bed and covered up, I had just closed my eyes before I heard a small voice speak up. "Mother, will you sing us a lullaby?" Jack had asked, I gave him a small smile as I nodded my head.

(A/N: Play the song here.)

"Lavender's blue, dilly, dilly, lavender's green. When I am king, dilly, dilly, you shall be queen."

I started to sing the lullaby my father would sing to me every night, I remember it word for word. As I sang the boys drifted off to peacefully to sleep with a small smile on their face. When I finished singing I blew out the candle that was beside me on the nightstand.
I closed my eyes and fell asleep feeling content with how the night ended.

3rd person POV:

Stella's voice echoed throughout Neverland as she sang, everyone on the island listened to her as they drifted off to sleep. Pan sat in his thinking tree as he listened, he sat there for a moment after she finished singing before he flew to skull rock.

When he arrived he walked towards the hour glass that stood in the middle of the room, his shadow flew towards him as he stood next to the hour glass. Pan glanced at the shadow before looking back at the hour glass, they stood there for a while not saying anything in a comfortable silence.

"The hour glass seems to have slowed down." Said the shadow in a low raspy voice, Pan nodded not real sure why that was.

"I wonder why, but it doesn't matter the sooner we figure out away to make it stop permanently the sooner I will become immortal." He said pursing his lips and furrowing his eyebrows, the shadow nodded agreeing with Pan.

"There are a few ways to become immortal." The shadow stated catching Pan's attention, he looked over with a confused expression. The shadow gave Pan a scroll that he immediately unrolled, it was a drawing of a young boy. He was still confused on what this boy could make him immortal.

"I don't understand, what does this boy have anything to do with this?" He asked voicing his thoughts, the shadow gave what sounded like a sigh.

"That boy is the Truest Believer with his heart you would become immortal and very powerful." The shadow explained, Pan raised an eyebrow before looking down at the drawing again. He tilted his head in curiosity before he smirked nodding his head, before he frowned and looked at the shadow once again.

"What is the other way for me to become immortal?" He asked curiously, the shadow looked at him for a moment before he spoke.

"The heart of a star is another way to become immortal, it's said that if you have the heart of the star you will be immortal." The shadow said, Pan thought for a moment before he nodded. It would be nearly impossible to find a star much less take its heart, he wouldn't even know how to identify one when it was on earth.

Pan voiced his concerns to the shadow and it explained how to identify one to Pan. "On earth they appear in human form, when they are at their happiest they glow a light blue color. It's quite beautiful really, but they are very rare to come by." It stated, earning a sigh of disappointment from Pan. He decided that it was time for him to go to bed, and he dismissed the shadow before he himself flew to his treehouse and laid in his bed. He closed his eyes and drifted to sleep with the thoughts of getting a star's heart on his mind.

A/N: Sorry I haven't posted in a while, I've been busy with school and had a little bit of writers block but I'm back! I hope you enjoyed the chapter and I'll be posting again soon! Bye!!😋

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