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Strange, strange everything is out of the ordinary. I just woke up and nothing is the same. Have I lost my mind? Could it be a dream? It's so unreal. I must be insane. I don't know where I am. Everything is so expensive and nice in this bedroom. I start rubbing my eyes in disbelief and while gaining my vision a beautiful girl appears.

Unknown Female: Honey wake up, do you want something to eat?

Unknown Male: Yes anything.

Unknown Female: On it honey

The female closed the door. I could not believe my eyes. I look for the bathroom and see myself in the mirror. I at least looked like me. But where am I?  I must go out that door.

Passing throw that door was like going into another world. Everything is just perfect. Amazing would be the word to describe it.

Unknown Female: Honey breakfast is ready.

I don't know who I am supposed to be. What is my name? She is calling me honey.  Is she my wife? I look like myself but who am I?

Unknown Female: It is getting cold my love.

Unknown Male: Yes, I'm going.

A month passed and I am starting to get a few things. The first thing is that I am rich. The second thing is that my condition prevents me from going outside my house and the third thing and most important, is that I still feel like I don't belong here. I had an accident and every day I wake up with no memory but sometimes I remember some common things and eventually, I forget them again. Everything is so strange is like it reads my thoughts. This place grants me every wish without asking.

A year had passed and now I am beginning to go outside near the house and talk with the neighbors. Which was the only wish the house did not grant me until now. The front neighbors were great they told me past stories involving me. I still forget my name every day that is why I cannot tell you. They told me how they visited me in the hospital while I was in a coma. My neighbor's wife was super nice she winked at me on a few occasions. I feel that I don't sleep and when I do I always have the same dream. I am underwater drowning trying to go up but I always wake up when I run out of air. I told my wife and she said that my accident had something to do with water but that she could not explain because it could damage my therapy.  Everything was perfect.

Two years have passed and for the first time, I will meet a friend of mine. My best friend my wife says. Meeting him was no different I still did not remember who he was. I asked him what happened to me and finally, he told me the story.

A group of people were gathered near a cliff. The locals jumped from the cliff to the ocean and I wanted to jump too. So I did, it was a 60-foot jump to the water. When my body hit the water the speed sunk me so fast that I was unable to swim up. A few locals jumped after me and got me out unconscious. Thankfully the locals were also certified lifeguards so they saved me. Eleven minutes passed from when I jumped to when I was revived. I was taken to the hospital and was diagnosed with severe brain damage and they decided to put me in an induced coma. My stay in the hospital was very long. So long that people stop visiting and lose hope. I managed to recover slowly and was put on an experimental program to test my recovery. I had forgotten my name, my wife, my family, and my friends. Years of memories were just gone. The program was supposed to help me remember but it was a strict and very long program.

It all makes sense I wonder, it was a very good story like a movie. At least I had more info than I did before. Music started to sound, and my wife called me.

Unknown Female: Honey I am going to the neighbor's retirement party. Call me on my cell phone if you need me. Remember I am just across the street.

Unknown Male: Ok my love. Have fun.

I could not go to crowded areas yet. My therapy was more important my wife says. For the first time, I was alone. Everything I had asked for these past few years was granted like magic I started thinking. For the first time, I did not want outrageous stuff only a notebook and a pen to write them suddenly the phones started ringing. It was my wife telling me to open the closet in the living room and that I would find a notebook and a pen there. I started thinking of my past and started writing random thoughts. Nothing came to mind just images of a dog and a car going on a long road but as I was writing I felt like I was used to doing it before and that brought me great pleasure. Then I started writing this story I am telling you. As I kept writing the feeling that something was very wrong came to my mind more and more. I just could not understand. I feel like this treatment only seems to keep me from remembering, which is the opposite of what my wife says is supposed to do. The phone began ringing again it was my wife.

Unknown female: Honey is everything alright? Do you want me to come home?

Unknown male: Yes everything is fine I am about to go to sleep so please stay and have fun.

Unknown female:  Have a great night. Kisses

I turned off some lights and kept writing. It was very surreal everything I wanted I practically got. Am I so rich that my wife pays everyone? It's that why I can go out or to a crowded party? I mean how you would pay everyone to do what I say? Not of all them need the money so they won't do it. It makes sense for a second but how does she know what I want when most of the time I don't even ask? Can she read my mind? Or could she know me that well? I am so confused I just wish she was here. The phone starts ringing.

Unknown female: Honey do you want me to go home? I know you're not sleeping. I can see you.

I looked out the window and she was there.

Unknown male: No it's okay I was just getting water. I am going back to bed.

Unknown Female: Ok if that's what you want. I will be there in eleven minutes anyway. It's getting late. Bye

Eleven minutes how weird that is exactly what my best friend says that I was unconscious before getting back to life. Anyway, I got to try this theory with someone else. I wait by the window and finally, a girl passes walking. She is very beautiful and while she passes she seems more and more like the only perfect woman I have ever seen. I started thinking that I wanted her to come to my house but she kept walking until I could not see her anymore. I felt a little relief and felt that everything was in my mind and everything was just part of the treatment. I go upstairs to go to bed. I turned off the lights and got into bed. Suddenly I heard the door open. My wife I think. I started to think about making love to my wife. As she enters the bed, she feels completely naked. She takes my underwear down and starts touching me. We start kissing but something is strange she does not feel like my wife. The room was dark and I could not see. I hesitated and pushed her away to turn the lights on. It is the girl passing down the street. I could not believe it. My heart starts to beat very fast. I start sweating and panicking.

All of a sudden everything changes and there I am falling from the cliff and hitting the water. I start to swim up. I feel like I am not going to make it. I swim faster and see a light. I feel hope and go faster. Suddenly I hit a glass and started pounding it. I scream for help thinking the locals will get me. Then as I am about to drown I open my eyes. It felt like my eyes had been closed for a long time. It is all blurry I am still underwater but inside a tube. I could breathe somehow. I start hearing a sound. It sounds like a distress call. I hardly could move but I started to wipe the glass while gaining my eyesight back. There is a number on the tube. It is the number eleven. I start pounding the glass. The distress call goes away. I started to see other tubes with numbers. There are things inside but they do not look human. There are lots of tubes but I can't see inside all of them. I start reading a sign that says Project Eleven and suddenly a creature appears in front of my tube. I got scared and started panicking. Suddenly I could not breathe and passed out.  When I open my eyes I am here in the hospital with my wife and friends. I started telling all of them this story. Just as I finish the story the doctor enters the room.

Unknown Doctor: You were eleven minutes dead and have a degree of brain damage. You might experience some memory loss but we will enroll you in this new therapy called Project Eleven to prevent that. For now, the nurse will give you some sleeping pills so you can rest and the next time you open your eyes you will be home.

Strange, strange everything is out of the ordinary...

The End

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