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The medical institution was doing tests on a prisoner with several disorders. The prisoner acted like he had no idea why he was there. He was confronted with all he had been charged with but he did not remember doing any of them. In all the results the prisoner was supposedly 100% sane and also that he was 100% telling the truth. Evidence had him killed and tortured all of his victims. The medical facility invoked a meeting with many intellectual doctors to discuss the particular case. In the meeting, the biggest evidence was his diary. It was read to the attendance. The diary had different handwriting all from the same prisoner. Strangely the diary was more like a conversation between different people. There was a specific part that was used by the prisoner's lawyers for him to avoid execution and for him to do his time in a medical facility and not in a prison facility.

Prisoner's diary:

I need to make everyone happy. All of them are counting on me. I want to start doing things for myself but every time I try there is always something that prevents me from doing it. Making them happy is the only way I can get back to myself. To who I am.

Don't you think I know what's happening? I know what you are doing. Don't you know I have noticed? I know what is going on. We are been controlled by a machine.

You that can breathe have you ever thought why you can sleep and breathe at the same time? I caught myself breathing automatically during the day. I consciously felt how I inhaled and exhaled without doing anything. Do you breathe by yourself the whole day you're awake? Does your mind make you think you do when in reality some machine has the power to make you breathe automatically and only makes you go manual when you start to think about it? I am breathing manually right now but soon the machine will start doing it for me.

Is like my mind is focused on something else. Am I losing my mind? I need you to tell me. Why are you controlling me? Why I can't do things for me?

You that can think. I have caught my mind playing with me. I have memorized things to a great extent but in specific times those memories are erased only to come back when you don't need them anymore. I have things in my mind that I don't even remember ever doing but they are there very clearly. I have been included in situations that I was never a part of. The machine turns on and off your mind.

Who do you think is controlling you? Who is living your memories if it's not you? Do you feel like yourself?

You that can hear. I caught myself hearing a stranger's conversation and memorizing their words only to confront them with their exact word and they do not have any recollection or memory that they said anything. We are all being controlled. Do you hear things only to look to where the sounds are coming from and see nothing? Does the machine know you were not supposed to be part of that? The machine turns on and off your hearing.

This is escalating. I don't know what is real and what is not. People are mad at me and I don't know why. I have friends I have never met.
Is someone playing a game with my life? Am I a character in a game? Am I even alive?

You that can see. I caught my eyes deceiving me. I saw a familiar face. I called her name but I could not hear. I followed her only for her to disappear. On a second occasion, I saw her again. This time she looked at me. I was in the car so I stopped to get to the person. When I arrived the person did not know who I was. She was a child and nobody else was concerned about that child being alone. No one else could see her. The machine can turn your vision on and off.

I feel I am been tricked. Is it God? Is he playing with us as he wishes? Is he making us do everything against our will? Do we even have self-purpose? I don't feel this is happening to anybody else or maybe they don't know.

You that can move. I caught my body not doing it when I wanted it to. I worked as a bartender and a little kid asked me to open his baby brother's formula. Even if I knew I had the opener and my hand was about to get it out of my pocket I nodded no. The kid went to every bartender but returned with the formula still close. I knew the machine was behind it. So I took the can opener out and tried to call the kid but the words would not come out. The machine controls our movement.

How is everything in sync around me? Am I the only one aware of this machine controlling everyone? Is this even happening? Who am I? Do I even exist?

You that can talk. I caught myself speaking words I did not mean to say. I was in a deep discussion and right after the other side ended talking I would say something to hurt them automatically like if it was scripted. Then right after the conversation you are like why the hell did I say all those things? That's normal I guess but what is not normal is when someone tells you all the things you said and you don't remember anything not even being part of the discussion. The machine controls what comes out of our mouths.

I think I am losing every perspective of life. I am been investigated for things I didn't even do. They have tapes of my voice with conversations I never had. Do I wake up in a different world from where I go to sleep? Have I been living in alternate dimensions?

You that can smell. I caught my sense of smell tricking me. I was in a room with the door closed. I began smelling like something was burning. I got out and saw that people were cooking in the kitchen. I head back to the room. The smell of smoke was more intense. I was thinking that there are people in the kitchen so nothing is happening. Rapidly I saw smoke coming from under the door. I got out again and everything was normal. I head back to the room but the smoke alarm begins to sound as I look back at the kitchen there is a fire. I put it out and all the other people eating at the table did not notice anything. I asked them what happened but none had any recollection of a fire. The machine can change everything and everyone.

The machine controls all at any time it wants. I found clothes that I had never worn with blood. I don't know if I am dreaming or if this is reality. People call me by different names. The police are knocking on my door. I think I did something very bad. You made me do it. I just wanted everyone to be happy. I just wanted to get to be the real me. Now I don't know who are the ones that I wanted to make happy. Now I don't know even who is I.

(The end of the prisoner's diary)

The movie ends. The audience started applauding. Backstage the prisoner gets unhooked from the machine. Doctors are congratulating themselves. They have for the first time transmitted the memories from a prisoner to the big scream. The test was a success. The movie will be going to be shown worldwide. The title will be.

Diary Of A Schizophrenic

The End

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