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Driving back home from work. This young lady sees a garage sale. She just moved into the city a few weeks back. She stops and goes to the yard. There were all kind of stuff. She grabbed some and went to look inside the garage. She looked for a while and then went to pay. As she was getting in line she saw a mirror above from the person taking the money. Is placed just for everyone that was paying to see. She thought it must not be for sale as no one was taking it. When she pays she asks about the mirror. The guy asks what mirror. She responded to the one on the back wall of you. He turns back and says, can you see that? She says yes. He takes the mirror down and asks the lady where her car is. She takes him to the car. He puts the mirror on the roof and the other stuff on the trunk. She goes on to ask how much was for everything. The guy turned around and left his garage without saying anything. She was perplexed but just felt like it was the world giving back. She went back home. She had the perfect place to hang the mirror. It was on top of her drawer. She loved everything she got for free. She went to sleep. She hears a voice calling her to come closer. She wakes up but the noise stops. A few hours later the voice starts calling to come closer. She wakes up but this time the voice does not stop. She stands up and opens the door but the voice comes from the inside. She gets closer to the mirror. Suddenly hundreds of hands pull her inside the mirror.

She wakes up inside her room. She calls the police. She says she has been raped. The police arrived but did not see any signs of forced entry. They take her to the hospital. She gets checked by the doctors. They all agreed she has been raped very abruptly.

A few weeks later she gets home and asks a friend to take the mirror away. He went inside the room. He asks where is the mirror. She points at it. He does not see anything.

The End

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