Chapter 2 - The New Kids

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        I walked with Jade to our first class, math. Our teacher Mrs Davis was really nice, she always let everyone pick their own seats. I looked at Jade as she started walking toward the back of the room, "Come on, sit with me and my friends." She said looking back at me, I smiled and fallowed her, She sat down and I sat next to her. "Brittney, this is Dominic and Isabell, guys this is Brittney." Jade said, I looked at Dominic and Isabell, Dominic had dark brown, slightly long hair, light brown eyes, he was tall and muscular. And he was wearing all black, Isabell had wavy, dark brown hair, dark brown eyes, she was tall and skinny. "Hi." Isabell said smiling, I smiled, "Hi." I said shyly. "Ohh she's a shy girl." Dominic said teasing, I chuckled, "Dom! Leave her alone." Jade said smacking his arm, he chuckled, "Yea, besides, Damian loves shy girls." Isabell said quietly, "Who?" I asked confused, "Nothing, she was joking." Jade said quickly, giving Isabell a dirty look. I looked at them confused for a second, then decided to just leave it alone. The class went by quickly, I got to know Jade, Isabell, and Dominic, and we were already great friends. The bell rang and we got up and walked to our next class, reading. We had assigned seats in reading, which sucked, I sat down in my seat, in the front of the class, a girl with Light brown hair, and blue eyes sat next to me. "Hi, I'm Kaitlin." She said smiling, her voice was high and  loud. "I'm Brittney." I said smiling at her, I didn't really like her tho, she was to preppy. "That's a really pretty name. I love your dress by the way, and your hair looks so cute." She said, almost squealing, "Thanks. I like your shirt." I said smiling, trying to be nice. "Oh Thanks! I just got it yesterday, I just thought it was so cute!" She said smiling, I smiled. After the teacher started talking I sighed, I did not like this seat. "Oh,Brittney, this is my best friend Angel." Kaitlin said, I looked over and saw a girl with perfectly straight, blond hair and crystal blue eyes, "Hi." She said rolling her eyes, I just turned my head.

        After the bell rang I quickly found Jade, "I hate my seat." I said as I got to where she was, "Yea, I don't like those girls." Jade said shooting them dirty looks, then she turned to me and smiled, "I'll see if maybe I can get your seat moved." She said, "Thanks." I said smiling, then we started walking to our next class. "Jade!" Someone squealed and ran over to her, "Hey Alice." Jade said smiling, "Oh, who's this?" Alice asked looking at me, Alice was short, with wavy black hair, and dark green eyes. "This is Brittney, Brit, this is my best friend Alice." Jade said smiling, Alice looked confused, "I thought we weren't..." She stopped still looking at Jade, "I know." Jade said shrugging, Alice smiled and looked at me, "Hi, I'm Alice." She said smiling, I smiled, "Hi." I said, "Alice, you coming?" She turned and looked at the boy walking over. He was tall with black, straight hair, and brown eyes. "Yea, I was just meeting Jades new friend." Alice said smiling, "This is my boyfriend Alec, Alec this is Brittney." Alec looked at me and frowned, "Jade." He said looking at her, "What?" She asked defensively "You know the rules." he said still frowning, "Fuck the rules, she's cool." Jade said crossing her arms, "And pretty, minus the angel style." Alice said quietly, "The what style?" I asked confused, Jade looked at me, "She means preppy." She said chuckling, I looked down, "Oh." i said quietly, now I was feeling self conscious. "I don't like this look, but I don't have good clothes so..." I mumbled. "Me and jade could take you shopping!" Alice said smiling, I looked at her and smiled, "Really?" I asked hopefully, "Yea, why not?" Jade said smiling. I smiled, and we went to sit down, I sat between Jade and Alice, "Damon and Damian will be here in a minute." Alec said looking over at me, "Okay." Jade said. I leaned over to her, "Who's Damon and Damian?" I asked confused, "Damon is my boyfriend and Damian is his brother." She said shrugging.

        I sighed and looked at the door, two guys walked in, first was a tall muscular guy, with straight black hair and brown eyes, he had on a dark red shirt, dark jeans, a black leather jacket and black boots. The second was tall and muscular, he had messy black hair, and hazel eyes. He was wearing a black long sleeved shirt, black jeans, and black leather boots. They walked over and sat down with Jade, "Hey." Jade said smiling, "Hey, sorry we're late." The boy next to her said smiling, he glanced over at me and frowned. "Oh, Damon, this is Brittney. Brit this is Damon, my boyfriend." Jade said smiling, Damon nodded, "Damian, you want to meet my new friend?" Jade asked leaning forward to look at him, he looked at me, "No." He said turning away from us, he sounded pissed. I looked down, I could feel my eyes starting to water, that was the one thing I hated about myself, I was really sensitive. I quickly wiped my eyes and looked up. After the class I walked by myself to my classes, I was pissed, I wasn't that ugly and I hadn't done anything wrong. At lunch I sat with Emma and Justin. "So how's it going?" Emma asked as I sat down, "Good, I've made some friends, who are in all my classes." I said smiling, Emma chuckled, "Any cute guys?" Justin asked winking, I rolled my eyes and frowned, "Non that like me." I said, "But it's whatever." I said smiling, Emma looked at me, I knew she didn't believe me, but I didn't want to talk about it. "I don't care I said NO!!!" I jumped and turned around, Damian was standing up and Jade had her head down, Damian glared at me then stormed out. I turned my head and sighed, "Actually, I don't think I have any new friends anymore." I mumbled. I spent the rest of the day avoiding everyone, and staying quiet. I was upset and confused, I didn't understand what the problem was.

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