Chapter 1 - School Starts

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        "Brittney! Are you up yet!?" My mom yelled up the stairs, I groaned and pulled my door open, "I've been up for and hour now mom!" I yelled down, then I slammed my door shut. I was still trying to find something to wear for today, it was the first day of school and I wanted to wear something nice, but not too nice. "Maybe a dress today, its still warm." I mumbled to myself as I walked over to my closet, I opened the door and sighed as I started looking through my dresses, most of them were for special occasions. I pulled one out and looked at it, it was yellow with a fitted top that faded into a flowing ruffled bottom under the waist, it came down to just above my knees and had no sleeves. I smiled and took off my tank top and bed shorts and slid on the dress, it fit perfectly. I looked in the mirror, it was kinda plain still, so I walked over to my dresser and grabbed my skinny, light brown belt and put it on, then I grabbed my yellow, flower head band and put it on. I walked over then spun in front of my mirror, I looked cute, my dress looked great with the belt, my head band matched my dress perfectly and sat well in my light brown, wavy hair. I put on a touch of natural colored makeup and eye liner, then grabbed my purse and ran down stairs. I quickly found my yellow ruffle flats and slid them on, then I gave my mom a hug and walked out to my car. I turned on the radio and drove to the school, it was a 15 minute drive so I was there pretty fast, I parked and got out with my purse and leaned against my car. "Brittney!" My best friend Emma squealed as she ran over to me and pulled me into a hug. I smiled and looked at her, she had on a light blue t-shirt, and tight blue skinny jeans with black flats. Her blond hair was perfectly straight and had a small blue bow in it holding her bangs out of her face. "You look so pretty." I said smiling at her.

        Justin, Emma's boyfriend walked over and smiled at us, "Hey guys." He said pulling Emma into a hug, I smiled and rolled my eyes, Justin was perfect for Emma, he had dirty blond hair that he always kept neat, blue eyes, and he was muscular. "Awe look at the strategically perfect couple." Mason teased as he walked over, "Oh shut up Mason." Emma said rolling her eyes, "Hey Britt." Mason said chuckling, "Hey." I said smiling at him, he was my best guy friend. He had dark brown, messy hair, green eyes, and he was really tall. Megan walked over and scared Mason, "Gezz! Don't do that Meg!" Mason yelled laughing. She laughed and rolled her eyes, Megan was Mason's girlfriend. She had strawberry blond hair that was wavy, she had blue eyes, and she was short, the shortest of our friends even. "She scare you again Mason?" Dylan said chuckling, "Shut up." Mason said smiling, Dylan was the fast one. He had dirty blond hair, brown eyes, and he was tall and skinny, but still attractive. "Dylan!" Brianna, his girlfriend squealed as she ran over, we all laughed as she jumped into Dylan's arms. Brianna was on the tall side, she had black hair and green eyes, and she was the clingy girlfriend. I looked around and saw Stella walking over, she was wearing a light green dress and black flats. Stella was blond with green eyes, she was short and skinny and was really pretty. "Hey guys." She said smiling shyly, she was the quiet one in our group, except around Noah, her boyfriend. Noah had brown hair and blue eyes, he was the class clown guy. "What's up guys?" He said walking over to Stella. I smiled and rolled my eyes, all my friends were talking so fast and loud it was hard to keep up. This was our group, we were all friends from the moment we meet.

        "Awesome! We all have our classes together this year." Mason said looking at everyone's schedules. "Except me, I only have two classes with guys." I said looking at my paper, I had math and science with them, that was it. "Aww no. That's not fair." Emma whined, I smiled at her, "It's okay Emma, I'll survive." I said chuckling. I was the single one, the silly, pretty, single one in our group. I almost always ended up alone anyway, so this wasn't anything new. "You sure?" Emma asked teasing, I laughed, "Yea, I'm sure." I said smiling, and I was, I had all the teachers that I liked, so it was gonna be fine. "Come on, lets go find our lockers." Mason said turning to the school, we all fallowed him in and started walking around, non of us had lockers near each other, which sucked. My locker was right by the front doors, I opened it and started putting my stuff in it, I didn't need most of it today anyway. I jumped when I heard the locker next to me open, I looked over and saw a girl that I didn't recognize. She had long, straight black hair, brown eyes, and she was about my height, she was wearing a red shirt and black skinny jeans, with black boots and a black leather jacket, she looked really pretty. "Take a picture, it'll last longer." I looked up and she was smiling at me, I smiled shyly, "Sorry, I love your outfit." I said closing my locker, she chuckled, "Really? You look like a preppy girl." She said looking my over, I nodded, "Yea, I wish I could pull off clothes like yours tho." I said looking down, she chuckled, "I'm Jade." She said smiling, I smiled, "Brittney." I said. "Are you new here?" I asked after a second, she nodded, "Yep, me and my friends, we all moved over the summer." She said shutting her locker, I nodded, "Can I see your schedule?" I asked, she  pulled it out of her pocket and handed it to me, I smiled, "We have the same classes." I said.

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