Chapter two

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Mom was a strong person, she still is.

My father left us when i was 14, he was abusive and mom, my sister Loraine and i were the victims.

We thought he would never leave, the morning of my 14th birthday he was gone, and as relieving as that was my mom was hurt.

She loved him even at those times, that's what love does to people it blinds them.

Depression hit her like a truck, she attempted suicide 4 times in one year, we were taken away from her until she supposedly recovered but when we came back about a year later she couldn't even remember our names.

The memories came back to her but it was never the same, it was like she couldn't think straight through the simplest things.

Loraine hated her, i couldn't blame her, she was just 12 when all of it started, she was angry that she never defended her, it was too much to handle.

When dad was still around Loraine wasn't as hurt as mom and i.

I took 99.9% of the blows for her, i just couldn't defend her the night dad came home drunk.

August, 29, 2011 dad was wasted, like really wasted. He didn't know where he was.

Loraine came running to him to show him her report card and he got annoyed.

"Go away Lori!" he shouted.

"But daddy, look i got all b's."

"Shut up!"

I remembered the tears starting to build up in her eyes.

I stood up from the couch and tried to convince Lori to go to bed.

Dad demanded me to shut my mouth, i refused so he grabbed the coffee table in the living room and slammed it on my head.

Loraine started to cry, she gasped for air a few times as she watched her big brother slowly drift out of consciousness on the ground.

The last image i saw was dad grabbing Loraine and jabbing a knife into her sides.

I could hear moms screams and dads deep voice echo through the house, i couldn't hear Loraine.

I thought she was dead, i thought i had lost her, i was sure i was dying, but i didn't care because my little sister was dying, or already dead.

The next day i woke up in a hospital bed, with a ice bag on my head and bandages on my body.

Loraine was in a separate room, she had a few broken ribs.

Mom was in a critical condition, it turns out dad had shot her right after i passed out.

Two years later it's just mom and i.

Loraine lives with our grandparents in Florida, she is moving back in a week, and mom couldn't be more anxious.

However Loraine has tried so hard to convince our grandparents to let her stay.

Grandma shuts her up the second she starts to complain so mom doesn't know that yet, i felt bad for mom, she hates to be given pity, but i just don't think she deserves this.

Mom is still here after all she's been through, i couldn't be more proud.

"Cullen is there cereal?" mom asks interrupting my thoughts.

"Yeah there's cheerios and frosted flakes."

"Can you pass me the cheerios?"

I give her a simple nod before reaching up to the high cabinet pulling out a box of cheerios.

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