Chapter 1

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Jaz's P.O.V.

"Sis, get up! You've got to pack!" I heard Logan say as he gentle shook me to wake me up. "I've already packed. Go away and let me sleep." I said in an annoyed tone. "Just get up," he sighed. "Ugh!!! Fine! I'm up! You happy now?" "Yes, I am." He smiled as he left me alone in my room. I got changed into my white long sleeved crop top, ripped jeans, my black combat boots, and my black leather jacket.

I heard a knock on the door and went downstairs to get it. "I'll get it!" I yelled as I opened the door to see my bestest friend in the whole world, Jackson King (Jax). "Jackson! What are you doing here? Not that I'm not happy to see you but I didn't know you were coming. Why didn't you call or text me?" I said as I hugged him. I shut the door and we headed to kitchen. He practically lives here so, I don't understand why he's always knocking. I jumped on the counter and he sat at the island at a bar stool. "Just wanted to visit the bestest person in the whole world. You didn't really think I would let you leave without saying goodbye. Did you?" He got up and came to me and stood in between my legs and went to kiss me on the lips, but i turned me head to the side so he ended up kissing my cheek. In case you couldn't tell, we're dating. My brothers don't know because they would flip there shit. Jackson and I grew up together and like any other girl and guy best friend cliché we ended starting to form deeper feelings for each other. He asked me out at my best girl friend's, Ashley, new years eve party. He kissed me at midnight and asked me out and i of course said yes. I'm planning on telling my family at our annual Ford & King end of summer dinner. I told you we've known each other a long time. Our parents were friends in high school and did everything together, even after they became adults and had kids. When our family moved out here to L.A. the King's family packed up and moved with us. Jackson is older than me by a month and a day. He was born on June 9th while I was born on July 10th. I was brought outta m thoughts by someone calling my name. "Ajjjj, Oh, you got your thinking face on. Whatcha thinkin' about?" Jackson said with a look of curiosity and concern written face. " Um..." "Come on tell me." Jackson whined. "Okay. Well, I think we should tell our families that we're dating at the annual Ford&King end of summer dinner." I said biting my lip. Jackson had already moved back to his original sit at the island. He hasn't said anything for a few minutes, so i jumped off the counter and went to set beside him at the island. "So...What do you think?" I said trying to break the silence. I didn't expect what he did next. He picked me up and swung me around and kissed me like it was the best message he had every received."Yesss! I've been waiting for months to tell them so I could kiss you whenever I wanted without having to make sure one of your brothers wasn't around. I wanted to be able to tell the guys at school to back off because you're mine and now I can." He had a smile like a kid on Christmas who had just received the best Christmas gift every. " Jackson, aren't you afraid of i don't know maybe getting killed by them?!?!!?!?" "HA! Please. I haven't been afraid of your brothers since I was eight." "Oh, Really? Then why haven't you kissed me in front of them before?" I said with my eyebrow raised and arms crossed. "Well...Um...You know..." he stuttered. "Hm? What was that?" I said holding my hand to my ear. "Well, haven't told them yet and I didn't want them to be mad at you." "Nice save." I said as I patted his shoulder and walked passed him. I headed to the fridge to get me something to eat 'cause your girl is hungry. Jackson's phone started to ring as i was waiting for my toaster struddle to get done. He hung up and it was his mom telling him he needed to get home. We hugged and said goodbye. I ate my food and went to pick the family vlog camera up. I decided to vlog a little since i was the only one not running around here like a chicken with their head cut off.

Family Vlog:

JAZ__Hey Guys, How's life? Its like 8 in morning. I got up at 6 this morning and I didn't want to be up this early but my brothers don't know what the words 'I already packed' means so they woke me up anyway. I always have bags packed because I always have to be somewhere. here let me show you. okay so this is the bag I'm taking with me. The ONLY BAG I'm taking with me. Well, besides my carry on and backpack, but they always have the same things in them. I have two other bags packed for when I get back in case I have to go somewhere. so like I'm leaving the week and then I come home and leave again which is what bag #2 is for then I leave again and come back home and leave again which is what bag #3 is I all I have to do is come drop one suitcase and then get the other. Does that make sense to you? If not sorry it makes sense to me. It's time to go. So... I'll see you guys when we land in Texas.

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