I planned an after party for the match along with some of my colleagues who agreed, now or never.
The rivalry was sickening but invigorating at the same time.
We sent out invites and whoever came to the party, came. End of story.
I arrived to the club about half an hour after the written time and the place wasn't as empty as I imagined it. My friend and I went our separate ways as I made it past all these great players and their wives or girlfriends to get to Luka once I spotted him.
"Kat!" he cheers.
I give him a big smile and a kiss on the cheek and I do the same to Karim, who was standing right in front of him.
"There's so many Barcelona players," I say astonished.
I look around the room and spot Messi with his girlfriend in a far corner, Piqué in another, Munir passes right by me.
"Excuse me," Luka says as he spots his wife coming our way.
"Have you seen Marcelo or Keylor?" I ask Karim.
"Marcelo is over there," he points to the corner I spotted Piqué in before.
Gerard shifts to his right a bit and I spot a laughing Marcelo. Piqué then leaves him and I spot a laughing Neymar to his side. I'd rather not interrupt.
"Keylor," Karim points again. "Over there."
"Thanks," I smile before Cris approaches us.
"Katalina," he says over the music. "Beautiful as always."
I greet him with a slight hug before he introduces me to his girlfriend and I leave the three of them there and head over to the bar where Keylor was sat talking to Munir. I greet Keylor and introduce myself to Munir. The three of us get to talking before I feel a hand on my waist a couple of minutes later. I turn and face James and leave a kiss on his cheek before he greets Munir and Keylor.
"I'll see you guys," I say as James and I make our way to a leather couch.
"You look..." James starts.
"Finish the sentence," I tease him.
We sit at the couch and we chat about the match for a bit before he begins to ask about Poland and New York since I haven't seen him in a while.
"So, who do you wanna-"
"Hey!" A half drunk Marcelo comes running up to us with Neymar behind him. "You guys!"
"What's up?" I ask before looking over at Neymar.
"Don't just sit there," Marcelo exclaims. "That's no fun!"
"Neymar," I smile at him, making him nod at me.
"James," he greets him before stepping back behind Marcelo.
"Keep an eye on him please," Neymar says as he pats Marcelo's back and leaves the three of us.
"I'll be right back," I tell James before getting up.
Marcelo takes my seat next to James and I follow Neymar to the corner he was once at.
"Neymar," I exclaim through the crowd.
He turns to face me and our eyes meet once again. I stop in front of him almost stumbling as the tight crowd I made my way through separated.
"How are you," I mutter as I fix my dress.
"I'm great," he smiles. "How are you, Kat?"
"I'm good," I step closer as someone tries to walk behind me. "Thanks for asking."
He presses his lips together and nods before turning around and leaving me there. I furrow my eyebrows before turning in my heels and walking back to the couch I was just sat in. Marcelo is all over James and I seem to rescue him as I sit myself between the two of them.
"As I was saying," James begins. "Who do you wanna meet?"
A smile forms on my lips as I grab at his hand and drag him to where I spotted Messi.
I first meet Piqué, Ivan, and some of the other players before we make our way to Messi and his girlfriend. The four of us chat for a couple of minutes and I really hit it off with Antonella. We get some drinks before heading back to the familiar couch Marcelo was still sat in, this time speaking to Marc Bartra about something.
Drunken speeches, everyone's favorite.
I hand James my drink and I go up to the two of them.
"Hi," I smile. "I'm Katalina."
I hold my hand out and receive a smile from Marc.
"Would you like to dance with me?" I ask holding my hand out.
"Yes, please," Marc says taking my hand.
I wiggle my eyebrows at James before receiving a smirk from him as I leave him with Marcelo once again.
I chat with Marc a bit as we sway little by little on the dance floor then we really get into dancing. Two songs later we go our separate ways and I go back to James.
"Marc's a sweetheart," I smile before plopping myself down again.
James hands me my drink and Marcelo tries to strike up a conversation about planes. I try to ignore him but find myself just as stuck as Marc was.
"Let's show these people how to dance," James stands up and sticks his hand out.
"We can dance better than everyone here?" I scoff.
"Let's show them how Colombians do it," he smiles.
I spot Neymar nearby and gesture at him to come over.
"What's up?" he asks.
"Your turn to babysit," I explain as I get up and head over to the dance floor, hand in hand with James.
James goes over to the DJ and insists on some Salsa, Colombian Salsa specifically, and we get to dancing.
I can feel everyone's eyes on us, making it all worth while. During one of those spins where James pulls me into him, I make eye contact with a glaring Neymar and wink at him, getting a smirk in return. Three songs later and James and I are absolutely beat.
We stumble to the bar and order some drinks after we try to catch our breath. I turn as I hear someone clapping and I meet Neymar's eyes again.
"You guys are amazing," he smiles at James who just smiles back.
"Thank you," I smile.
"Can I talk to you for a second?" Neymar asks.
James looks at me for approval to leave and I give him a quick nod before he leaves Neymar and I at the bar.
"What's wrong?" I inquire.
"Kat, would you like to go out on a proper date with me?" Neymar asks after ordering a drink.
I laugh at what he just said.
"You're joking."
"No," he shakes his head. "I wasn't."
"You were pretty distant tonight," I point out.
"Yeah, well," he starts. "I like you and now I'm asking you out."
I part my lips to say something witty but I'm just left with a dropped jaw.
"Yes?" he asks.
"I-I mean," I say. "You're leaving soon and I don't-"
"No?" he squints his eyes.
"Like you like that," I finish speaking.
He presses his lips together one more time and nods.
"So far," he points his finger at me. "Goodnight, Kat."
Neymar winks and leaves a kiss on my cheek after paying for my drink and he then leaves the club for the night.
I was left standing there with my drink in hand, biting down on the straw. I turn to my right and lock eyes with James who was sat with Cristiano and Sergio before he gestures for me to come over.

From Me To You
FanfictionKatalina works for Real Madrid and becomes the closest of friends with James. Her world opens up with more opportunities and people to meet. After accepting a job at FC Barcelona, her life changes even more drastically. With the likes of other footb...