James and I board our plane back to Madrid and we fall asleep instantly.
Not only was the drive back to civilization a longer one than expected, but we didn't get much sleep those past couple of days since we were out and about the whole time there, riding horses just to go down the street and buy an ice cream cone.
The concerts and festivities also made us restless, but the staying up all night talking really did us a number.
We were sad to part ways, but I had one last vacation day to use up and I was going to stay with James at his place to see some of the guys again.
When we finally arrived at his place I made it into his apartment and left my suitcase by the door; all the excess baggage was already on its way to Barcelona on another flight that would match mine.
"We should call the guys later," James says as he brings me a drink. "We can settle in a little."
"I'm not settling anywhere," I chuckle. "Just say you want me all to yourself for a bit longer."
"That too," he begins to smile.
"I should call up my family," I say as I put the drink down and sit up.
"Yeah, me too," James says as he gets up. "I'm going to use the home phone, so I'll be right back."
I take the opportunity to call Neymar first, I hadn't mentioned him to anyone besides Naomi and some family but I'm guessing just his Brazilian teammates kind of know.
"Oh finally, I was beginning to think you disappeared," Neymar answers bringing a smile to my face.
"I'm good, thanks for asking. How are you?" I mock him.
"Where in the world are you now, Kat?"
"Currently in Madrid, with James," I tell him.
"I forgot about James," he mentions.
"Ooh, is that a hint of what I think it is?" I laugh at Neymar.
"I'm not saying anything, okay? I trust you."
"You don't even need to worry about anything like that, babe," I say before biting my lip. "We're just good friends. Plus, I've only got eyes for you."
"Oh, I know you do," I hear him smile. "How was the flight? What are you guys up to?"
"It was good, a bit lengthy but good. I guess I'm going to cook dinner for the guys and have them all come over, one last hurrah."
"Sounds good. I can't make it to the airport tomorrow because of that photo shoot we have," he says.
"Photo shoot?" I question.
"You literally sent us all an email yesterday," Neymar chuckles.
"Oh, crap yeah. Okay, so I guess I'll see you there," I say.
"Definitely. Take care, love."
"You too, bye," I say before we both hang up.
I call up my family in Colombia to reassure them I got back to Spain safely and then I call up back home to New York and do the same.
I finish calling everyone I have in mind and James still hasn't come back.
I wait on the couch for a couple of minutes. Five minutes turn into ten, then fifteen, then twenty.
I get up and decide to go check if everything is alright. As I slowly walk down the hall and inch closer to his bedroom I can hear him yelling at someone through the phone. I stand still where I am. I don't want to disturb him at all and I turn to walk back then I hear him throw something across the room. I ball up my fists knowing I have to go check on him now.

From Me To You
FanfictionKatalina works for Real Madrid and becomes the closest of friends with James. Her world opens up with more opportunities and people to meet. After accepting a job at FC Barcelona, her life changes even more drastically. With the likes of other footb...