James offers to take me to the airport and I accept.
He comes by my place early in the morning and we have breakfast before heading to the airport.
"Business or pleasure?" he asks as I serve him his eggs.
"Both," I smile.
"What do you mean both?"
"Alright, fine, pleasure," I say.
"You're going to a Barcelona game, aren't you?" he asks.
"Are they even playing?"
"I don't know, you would know, I'd come to you if I wanted to know. You're always on top of that," he smirks.
He drives me to the airport and he parks his car after I tell him repeatedly not to; he insists on taking me all the way to the gate and I'm forced to comply.
"You've got everything?" he asks one last time.
"Yes," I simply say one more time.
He kisses me on the cheek and hugs me, sends me on my way after wishing me a safe flight. I laugh at the thought that I'm usually the one in his position. I warn him I'll be back the next day but he still worries. He says he'll pick me up tomorrow night.
I rush past all these lost people in the terminal to make it to my flight. I had my tickets printed out that night Luis called me and my bags packed the next day. I told Simon I was headed to Barcelona for a meeting and some days off and he didn't question me one bit; even if he did I wouldn't lie.
The plane ride was fairly short and I am picked up by some chauffeur once I leave the gate. He takes my one piece of luggage and I tell him to head to the nearest hotel.
"I'm sorry miss, but I was told to take you to some offices upon your arrival," the driver kindly explains.
"Oh, okay. Well, whatever you were told," I tell him.
The building we arrive at is fairly tall but beautifully constructed and I thank him for the ride, give him a tip and make my way into the building.
The lady in the lobby sends me upwards to one of the last floors and another receptionist greets me when the elevator doors open. I'm sent westward to Luis' office and I can feel my hands shaking already. I stand silently in the doorway until someone leaves his office when they spot me and Luis looks up and cheers.
I shift a bit for the person to leave and I make my way into his office right after.
"Hi, Luis, how are you?" I ask nervously.
"Great, great, how are you?" He asks.
"Fantastic, yeah, sorry I'm a mess, I thought I'd have time to go to a hotel and change," I explain my appearance, I always make it a point to travel comfortably.
"Nonsense! It's casual, I like it," he smiles. "Come on, I have a reservation at this café down the block."
We make our way to the café and I leave my stuff in his office. We sit down and he gets straight to business.
"Now, we've met before Katalina-"
"Please, call me Kat," I stop him.
"Kat. Well, you made a wonderful impression on me and I've heard nothing but amazing things about you," he starts. "And then I got to thinking."
The waitress interrupts him and he orders for the both of us, saying this place has the best patacones.
"I got to thinking, 'how could someone so young have gotten this job?'"
I stay quiet.
"Tell me," he instructs. "Why'd you get this job?"
"Well, I had worked at Adidas for such a long time and my boss, Simon, gave me the opportunity to find a new kit for Real Madrid. So I travelled all the way to Japan, did my job and Real offered me a new job. Here I am," I gesture as the waitress comes back with our drinks.
"I get that, I've done my research," he surprises me. "I'm just pointing out, people in your position are twice your age."
"I finished up university in half the time with my accumulation of credits and got my degrees in journalism and communication-"
"Journalism? So you never considered simply writing for a magazine or newspaper?"
"I mean, that was always the plan, but I applied to places like Puma and Nike for marketing jobs, even places like Twitter and Apple but Adidas gave me my first job- and I love football so much, I was thinking about working my way up to work to FIFA or Barcelona..." I stop midway.
"Barcelona," he smiles. "Culé?" He asks knowing the answer.
I begin to blush and the food arrives.
"A Barcelona fan working for Real Madrid, that's quite a tale."
"Thank you," I thank the waitress and dig in.
"How is it working for Ancelotti?"
I see what he's getting at so I answer vaguely.
"Can't complain," I admit.
"Can't and won't, same difference," he says. "Hopefully when someone asks you the same about me you'll begin to brag."
"Excuse me?" I ask praying this goes the way it sounds.
"I'm offering you a job, Kat."
"Lawfully, we'd have to work through your contract, but I'm just planting the idea in your mind first. I wouldn't want Carlo snooping around. Just consider it first and then tell me how you feel about it," Luis states.
I chew on the food slower than ever and can't believe my ears.
"Then our lawyers will talk to your lawyers and we'll set up a deal- that's if you agree."
I still say nothing.
"The pay will be way more than over there, you'll get more access- you'll basically get more of everything. It may sound like we're trying to buy you out and, not going to lie, that's because we are. We're all really impressed Kat. The work you've done over there in such little time, I can't walk down the street, here in Barcelona, without passing by Casillas' face on a billboard holding up some new shoes from Adidas."
"Thank you," I finally speak.
"It'd be a pleasure to have you work with us, Kat," he finally says. "Think about it."

From Me To You
FanfictionKatalina works for Real Madrid and becomes the closest of friends with James. Her world opens up with more opportunities and people to meet. After accepting a job at FC Barcelona, her life changes even more drastically. With the likes of other footb...