Brighten the Spirits

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With a long sigh, Alys made her way down to medical the next morning. The bruise on her thigh was still very prominent, but it had at least stopped aching and the limp had passed. She was headed to her medbay when she saw a congregation of guards, two of them lifting Head Medic, Dr. Hanson, onto the examining table of his room. "What happened?" Alys asked, confused as to why her superior was unconcious.

"We don't know yet. Get to work in the meantime," one of the closer security guards informed with a pointed look. Alys would be disrupting their investigation, over her shoulder, from the hallway she came, Amanda strutted in with an unpleased look about her gait - she'd be interfering with Amanda's investigation. With a slight nod, the blonde avoided eyecontact with the woman and went to her medbay, tensely waiting.

She didn't know what had transpired, but Alys didn't need Amanda in her sanctuary. The one place she was forced to be that she didn't really mind. As if the evil woman could read her thoughts, she brought her gaze to Alys through the window, watching for a moment before entering the occupied medbay.

It took hours, lunch had came and gone in the time it took for Hanson to awaken, leaving Alys full of anxiety. To try to ease her mind, she conducted her own mirco investigation, but it did nothing of the sort when she saw Alex had been the last to visit. She was Nikita's mole, and the transmitter she'd discovered on Birkhoff was a red herring, made to cause false security within the head of Division.

Alys was itching to get back into the training rooms, especially since she didn't have the threat of Michael kicking her ass. She looked up when Percy entered medical, Alex and another Recruit trailing behind him. His eyes dusted over Alys just as Amanda's had before he disappeared into the room with the blinds drawn.

After a minute, Alex was first to enter, than the dark skinned girl as well. Shortly after, two guards entered the room, just as quickly leaving the room as they had entered it, but this time dragging Hanson out of medical. Swallowing thickly, Alys shrank down in her chair when Percy and Amanda left the room, her panic surging when she found Amanda coming straight for her. Taking a deep breath, she forced a composure when the redhead walked through the door.

"Here to threaten me with cancelation again?" she dryly chuckled, unable to produce anything more pleasant than that.

"Quite the opposite, actually. I had a question first," Amanda chided, her sinsister almost smile a bit softer than normal. "You've worked in medical for about six years now, has Dr. Hanson made any inappropriate advances towards you?" Part of Alys wanted to look out the window where she'd seen the man be dragged away, but a larger part of her couldn't take her eyes off Amanda.

"No, has something happened?" Fraternization within Division was banned, though many agents - herself included - broke that law. She didn't expect Hanson to be one of them.

"He was trying to have his way with a Recruit, it was implied that it hadn't been the first time something like this has occured. Luckily, another one was able to come to her aid. As you know, such fraternizations are forbidden. Hanson will be canceled," Amanda informed, her smile growing bitter when she added, "and you've been promoted."

"Promoted?" the blonde questioned, having a hard time processing this chain of events.

"Yes; until your Reactivation is initiated and whenever you come to stay at Division, you will be our Head Medic. Congradulations." She didn't say any more before turning on her heel and leaving the medbay, quickly leaving medical altogether.

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