Chapter Two

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Growing up in a motorcycle club was hard.

The constant degeneracy and corruption within the folds of the Wolves is a steep hill to breach when you're ten years old and want nothing more than normalcy within your family.

Sure, being a Wolf's offspring had its perks, like always getting into restaurants without reservations. Always getting new toys even when money was tight. The constant safe feeling of being within the confines of the clubhouse.

Growing up as a Wolf princess was fun at times, but most of the time, it was tragic. Especially at school, or on the playground, or on the off chance I was actually invited to a birthday party by a classmate.

"Stay away from her, her daddy is in that gang..."

"Eww, we don't want to play with the dirty biker girl..."

"Honey, don't be her friend unless you want to end up as a crackhead..."

Blah, blah, I heard it all growing up. Mothers and fathers filled with so much hatred and disdain for my family that they encouraged their children to terrorize me or completely ignore me.

If it wasn't for my brother and a few other kids that grew up with fathers who were members, I'd have been a loner as a child.

Which is what ultimately led me to getting a job at the young age of fourteen.

I convinced myself if I saved enough money on my own, I'd be able to get away. Go somewhere that no one would know me. Somewhere they wouldn't judge me for the actions of my family, from where I came from.

My lineage has never been on the good side of the law, but no one back east would know that.

No one in Mexico would figure out my daddy killed people for a living.

No one in Japan would realize one wrong look in my direction would find them in a world of pain if my brother was nearby.

So I worked. And I worked hard. I worked countless jobs under the table until I turned sixteen and could get genuine jobs.

Of course, I could have always stolen from the safe in Ash's office, which was actually Ripper's - the former president - office before him. But, not only was that not fair to the club, I didn't want to be on their shit list the rest of my life.

For the past five years, I've saved up close to forty grand - plenty to get me out of this life and out into the world I'd love to see.

But of course, my thoughts on club life are vastly different than from when I was a kid.

I don't hate the negative attention I get from strangers who know who I am and where I come from. I don't get upset when former classmates still pick on me like we're back in school together - well, I try not to at least.

REMOVING 1 JANUARY 2025 Gray (Savage Wolves MC) #2 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now