Chapter Twenty-Five

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*Important Authors Note: Listen, I know I've made Blade pretty unlikable right now, but that's the whole point. No, I won't ease up on him anytime soon. He's supposed to be a dick in this book. He's supposed to mock and be an asshole to Gray every chance he gets. In his mind, Gray is not worthy of his sister, but, BUT there is always going to be growth in a person and Blade will be redeemed eventually. EVENTUALLY. Please stop hating on Blade because he's doing what I need him too. He will be back to the same lovable guy one day. Plus, everyone is judging him on his interactions with a prospect, but prospects are kind of shitted on by patched members. They're hazed and treated like crap for a long time, but when they become brothers, they're all of a sudden family. So, just bear with me and stick it out, loves!*

 So, just bear with me and stick it out, loves!*

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It's April.

Another month without my golden haired angel. Another month without her soft skin against mine. Another month without her melodic voice whispering into my ear.

Another month gone. Wasted.

And now, a month spent panicked and fearful. Terrified of my half brother. Worried that after his escape from prison he'd come straight here.

Living every minute looking over my shoulder, sleeping with one eye open, and carrying a gun.

I always knew Ben would get out one day. He's too smart to let himself stay in prison. Too savvy to allow himself to rot in that very hellhole he had me thrown into all those years ago.

I knew he'd make his escape. I knew he'd come after me one day.

It was only a matter of when.

And it seems that the when is now.

Yet, he's not made an appearance. He hasn't shown up in the city. He hasn't appeared at the clubhouse - the first place I was sure he'd come.

No, I haven't even heard a whisper of him since his escape. Even Agent Porter and his team are baffled by his disappearance. It's almost as if he's vanished.

But, I won't allow myself to be hopeful. I won't allow myself to believe he's simply escaped to live a quiet life away from people who know what he did. He's out there. Hiding. Lurking. Planning. Plotting.

He'll make his move. Whether it be tomorrow or next year, he'll be there to destroy me - and this time, it might actually work.

This time, there's bigger characters in play. It's no longer just me. It's the club. It's all these men I've grown to care about. It's Callie. It's the woman I've fallen in love with.

REMOVING 1 JANUARY 2025 Gray (Savage Wolves MC) #2 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now