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Damon's POV
What happened yesterday? Did I black out? Everyone says I went outside to ride with my horse, but I don't remember anything. Everywhere I look, I see beautiful dark brown eyes searing into my skull. Who do they belong to?
I happen to be walking out of the house, when my brother calls out to me. "Damon, let me catch up." I wait for a few moments until he is near my side. "Yes?" I said. "Father is looking for you, he is very upset. Please do not upset him any further." Stefan hugs me so that I will worry less. It is a kind gesture, but after years of physical and mental abuse, I have gotten use to it.
I make my way back inside to meet my fathers wrath. He is standing in the kitchen, glaring at me like I just slaughtered his favorite horse. "Where were you yesterday boy? You have embarrassed me with your lies!" I decide whether it would be best for me to answer or just stand still. I go with the former. "Father, I believe I blacked out. I have yet to lie," I said. "Damon, quit lying to me or I will beat your ass. You are to go help Jonathon with the animals in the stables, and after that, the cooks with the food! You will receive no dinner tonight!" That is Guiseppe Salvator with the least of his wrath. This is far better than my other punishments, so I mustn't complain. "Yes sir," I reply, then leave.
I am on my way to the stables, when a somehow familiar pair of dark brown eyes meet mine.

Elijah's POV
I am touring the newer Mystic Falls, as I had not been here in decades. I stop by the stables to talk to a man known as Jonathon. "May I help you" he asks. "I was curious as to how you care for all of these animals by yourself, sir Jonathon." "Oh, but I am not by myself. The eldest son in this house aids me most days, even if it is as punishment by his abusive father. Oh, you mustn't tell his father I said that!" "Don't worry Jonathon, your secret is safe. May I ask the young boys name?" I slightly turn as I hear a door close nearby, my eyes feel stuck as they are met by the pair of icy blue eyes that I know as Damon Salvator. I snap out of my trance while wondering if he somehow remembers me.
I wait a few moment for Damon to reach me and Jonathon, the ask him "Damon?" He replies with "Do I know you?" "No, but I was wondering when we would finally meet. I am Elijah." He knew about vampires, what if he was on vervain? "It is nice to meet you." Damon looks over to Jonathon, and Jonathon looks at him with pity. Jonathon hands him a shovel and says to not stress or wear himself out. Damon gets to work.

Damon's POV
I walk out of the house towards Jonathon, when I am suddenly stopped by a beautiful... No! Stop thinking that! I was suddenly stopped by a man. He looks so familiar, but why? His eyes. They are the ones he keeps seeing in the back corner of his mind! But he is a man?
He speaks to me, yet I did not understand any of it. I replied with a "Do I know you?" He denied the question, but I feel like the answer should have been a yes. We continue our conversation, until Jonathon looks at me with pity and hands me a bucket. I understand why people must looks at me that way, but is it absolutely necessary? I leave.
I go over to Shadowmere and notice that he has been acting very strange. Had something happened to him yesterday? Most likely, but we may never know. I make a mental note of his actions, and make sure to note them for the days to come. I finish my job in the stable, then go to help the cooks with dinner. As I take the food out to the table, I spill my fathers wine. Guiseppe gets up and punches me in the face. I feel something break, as well as an aching pain, but I make no noise so that my father is not given the satisfaction of hurting me. How am I to live like this? I gathered up my strength, with added rage, and swing back as hard as I possibly could. You could hear his nose crack from a mile away. This gave me great joy. We continue punching back and forth, until Stefan and Jonathon come in and hold us back. "You are no son of mine, have never been, or will ever be!" My "father" states. "Good! No one deserves the pain of listening and watching you on a daily basis! I will pack my things and leave immediately!" I say. I slam the rest of his food onto his body and smirk. "Goodbye, Guiseppe."
I hurry up to my room to pack the little amount of things that I have, when my brother and Katherine come to my room. "I guess this is goodbye brother." I hug him hard. I nod my head at Katherine and walk out of the door. I run to Shadowmere, and jump on his back. My father may take everything away from me, but he will never take this horse.

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