Somethings on my mind ••••••••••••••••••

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Everyone sat together in the cafeteria and ate brunch

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Everyone sat together in the cafeteria and ate brunch. Felix was still in the infirmary, but at least he was awake and doing better. They were all going to visit him later that day. Changbins mood had noticeably improved since Felix's return. Minho and Jisung stared at each other and shared little touches here and there, their blushes were adorable. Hyunjin stared into Seungmin's eyes, starstruck, as Seungmin talked his ear off about who knows what. Jeongin sat in Chan's lap, reaching behind him to feed Chan every once in awhile. Chan's head was rested on Jeongins shoulder comfortably. The atmosphere was filled with love. Chan had talked to his father about Woojin, and his father ordered a maximum perimeter watch. "So when are you going to mark Felix?" Jeongin asked. Minho and Seungmin both choked on air and looked at Jeongin. "Don't say that when we're eating." Seungmin said. "Sorry." Jeongin apologized. "Soon." Changbin admitted. "As soon as he gets better." Jeongin gave Changbin a warm smile. "What's that?" Jisung asked out of curiosity. Hyunjin seemed lost as well. Chan pulled Jeongins loose T-shirt down over his shoulder, revealing a bruised and deep cut cause by his bite. "A werewolf picks their life mate by marking them. Once you mark someone, you're together forever." Chan smiled at the last part and kissed Jeongins shoulder. Jeongin blushed and covered his bare skin. "Do you think I'll ever get a mark?" Jisung asked quietly. Minho coughed a little, making Chan laugh. "Ask Minho, He'll do it." Chan said. Jisung blushed and put his head on the table while Minho hid his face in his hands, glaring at Chan. "I would mark someone, but I don't think anyone would want me too." Seungmin said sadly. Hyunjin pulled him into a tight hug out of instinct. "I want you to." Hyunjin whispered into Seungmin's ear. Seungmin blushed and, for once, was a loss for words.
Chan laughed at their reactions. They all looked so young and inexperienced in romance. He unconsciously started kissing Jeongins neck out of some unknown habit. Jeongins skin grew hot and Jeongin started letting out little noises. "Ch~an! S-stop! We're in the cafeteria." Jeongin complained. Chan stopped and Jeongin got up from the table, and off of his lap. Chan pouted. "Jeongin let's go." Chan suddenly said. Jeongin looked around at their distracted friends and shrugged. He followed Chan to a place he'd never been before. It was outside of the den in a small grassy field. There were flowers and trees and a cool breeze disturbing the tall and flowing grass. It took Jeongins breath away. "Chan brought Jeongin to the center of the field and had Jeongin lay on top of him in the grass. "I'm so happy." Jeongin whispered. Chan chuckled, slightly moving Jeongin as his chest heaved. "I didn't know what happy was, until I met you." Chan said loud and clearly. Jeongin melted further into Chan, teaching his hand around to run his fingers through Chan's hair. Chan hummed in satisfaction. Chan's hands rose up and gripped Jeongins waist, stoking up and down his sides. Jeongin giggled. He was ticklish. "Jeongin." Chan spoke. Jeongin turned slightly to listen. "I love you, and I know I've said it so much that it almost seems meaningless, but it's nothing but the truth. When I lost you, I lost myself. I was depressed, I didn't want to get up in the mornings, I developed insomnia, and I cried almost all the time. Eventually I was an emotionless husk, dragging myself through every painful day knowing you were gone. So when I found you, I couldn't comprehend it. I had finally found myself in your arms again and it was overwhelming. Just being together like this is euphoric to me. I can't imagine ever loosing you again. I know when I marked you, it was kinda rushed, but I'd like to tell you properly what it meant to me. I wouldn't want to spend my life with anyone else. You are my everything. Seeing your beautiful eyes when U wake up every morning is like being sent to heaven and awoken by an angel. Hearing you laugh and seeing you smile makes a warm and unfamiliar fuzzy feeling flutter through my chest. Kissing you and touching your soft skin feels like a sin. You are to perfect for me. You're addicting, and I can't stop being drawn to you. I guess it's just in my instincts. I promise to always be with you. I will never abandon you, leave you, or give you up for anything. I will never leave you behind, because you are my love." Chan sat up and turned Jeongin around. His face was flushed and full of tears. Chan realized his face was full of tears as well. Chan kissed Jeongins tears away and held him close to his chest. "I-I love you so much. You're the one who's perfect, not me. The days I spent alone, I thought of you, and you're gentle touch. I thought of you're kind eyes and soft hair. I also thought of all the stupid things we'd do as kids. Our innocent hugs and soft touches that held all our affections for each other, those were my favorite." Jeongin admitted. Chan let out a short laugh. "We were so innocent back then. So small and emotionally undeveloped." Chan noted. Jeongin nodded. "But, now we're grown up." Jeongin pointed out. Chan smirked and sent a wink toward Jeongin. They both laughed and wrapped their arms around each other. "Are we ready to take that step? I mean, I am your mate, so we should...mate? Right?" Jeongin thought out loud. "I've been wanting to, but..." Chan trailed off. "Me too!" Jeongin exclaimed. Chan choked and stared at Jeongin. "Why didn't you say anything!" Chan yelled back. "I was embarrassed! I thought you'd think I was gross or something!" Jeongin blurted out. Chan sighed and held Jeongins hands in his own. "I told you after we showered. I think you are the most beautiful creature this world could ever offer. You are the sun on earth. Every part of you is magical. I feel blessed just looking at you." Chan explained. Jeongin was a loss for words. "Then let's do it." Jeongin said as he wiped his tears away. "Okay." Chan said softly.
A/N: next chapter is smut! >:D
Here's some amazing fanart-

———————————————————————A/N: next chapter is smut! >:DHere's some amazing fanart-

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