Goodbye... For Real This Time I Swear

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This is the last time I do this, I promise. I know there's a couple of my actual fans (I've had a few messages from them actually) who got all excited when they saw the notification.

This isn't a story update... Like I said, I probably won't ever come back to this. I've had someone ask if I can do Psycho. I might do it, probably not. I realised how bad some of this stuff is (especially DD/LB that shit is nasty).

However, I just wanted to say, I have a new account, where I'll probably be writing a lot more. I don't really want to use this account, since it's so cluttered from all my reading (so many messed up fanfics) and the 57 drafts of ideas I've had that have never made it passed the second chapter... Trust me, if I managed to complete every story I had an idea for, you wouldn't be able to keep up. This book alone has over 100 potential chapters, if I had followed through with every idea.

Anyway, the new account is KorlevBirchTree

I really hope you check it out.

I'm going by the Hebrew origin of my name there, as I feel that suits me better than Arrow, or Chase ever did... And I don't feel comfortable signing off with Caleb, as my online and offline personas are two completely different people, and I sort of want to keep it that way.

I may post the occasional, cringey story on this account, but I think I'll stick to my other account, as it's way neater and doesn't make me as stressed (I know it sounds stupid, but yes... Lots of drafts and stories and notifications on my Wattpad profile does make me stressed, uncomfortable and anxious)

I hope you stay with me.

I've really loved having this book, and reading through all the support. It's been with me through a huge part of my life. The last few years have been a roller coaster, and I'm pretty sure that's evident by the turns that this book has taken.

So, if you like my style, stick around.

If not, then I hope you enjoyed this book while it lasted.

I'm officially, 100% closing the book on this chapter of my life (no pun intended) by logging out of this account for a while, if not for good.

So again, please follow KorlevBirchTree if you like my writing style and/or want to stay with me and join me in my journey.

Goodbye Forever...

Yours sincerely,

-Arrow / Chase / Caleb / Korlev

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2019 ⏰

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