Chapter One

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I finished writing down the last of my notes from the bright light of my laptop. Honestly, school was the epitome of prison and hell combined. This is why I had chosen to do online school. Sure it gets lonely and difficult from time to time but I didn't really have much friends besides the occasional my former student peers that I talked to from time to time.

My junior year was flying by fast which caused me to stress about having to choose a future college and career. I mean sure that stuff was for next year, but time was running out.

I put the piles of paper inside of my black folder and slid it in my backpack. I decided to keep my laptop on to watch some movies. Insomnia was my closest friend so why not pass time.

"Hmm. Oh, maybe I'll just watch some good ol' (favorite show)." I clicked through Netflix and pressed play, but a banner had popped up saying that my free trial was expired.

"Dang it! I'll just use a different email then." A mischievous smirk took form on my face at the plan however, I quickly realized I would also need another credit card.

Eh, there's always the internet.

I typed in movie and show websites, but they all seemed shady. That was until I came across this one website.


!Free Live Streaming Movies! Click Now!

I shrugged and clicked onto the link that it had. The site took me to a purple screen that loaded for a few seconds and displayed different channels. I tried to look for the lovable classic show, but it wasn't there.

Disappointed soon came. All of the livestreams were busy. I scrolled through the selection once more and just chose a random movie from the new arrivals. It looked like an action one with the title of 'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles'.

Just as I was about to press play, a growl escaped from my stomach so I went to grab some snacks. I glanced at my newly seahorse's tank. King was displayed in cursive on a rock inside. I guess I should grab some food for him too.

I hopped off my bed and walked into the empty kitchen still remembering where my mother would usually be cooking while my father would do his usual TV watching. The smile I used to where had long faded away just like my parent's marriage.

The sound of thunder rumbled loudly and so did my stomach. I ignored it and grabbed a bag of mini poptarts. I could hear continuous rumbles of lightning and peered through the window to see heavy rain and most of the trees shaking.

"Mother Nature must be at her best." I narrowed my eyes. After grabbing some treats for King, I went back to my room, but froze at the scene right in front of me. I panicked seeing that the window was wide open as the rain was starting to pour in. My laptop was laying on the ground and was glitching.

I was able to move my feet to close the window and pick up my laptop, hoping that it would be alright. I placed it on the bed sheets and wiped it to the best of my abilities. Fortunately, my laptop returned to the websites page. I didn't question the wierd malfunction and instead clicked the streaming button to start the movie. I turned to grabbed King's tank so it could on my lap. He'd be safer in his mama's protection. When my eyes went to the laptop, I clicked my tongue seeing that the screen froze.

"What the heck, it was normal just a second ago." I moved the mouse to the screen though jumped back when feeling a zap on my finger. I was confused with the sudden shock. Maybe it was just a small glitch.

Suddenly, I felt another zap, but this time it was all around my body. It then engulfed me as I wasn't able to move. My laptop was playing the movie though a purplish green screen had took over. Everything was happening so fast. My head was pounding and my vision was blurry.

I looked at my hand, but it was slowly fading. I tried to fight whatever this wierd trance was, but it was stronger since my body soon fell limp along with my conscious.

3rd POV

Couldn't connect. Live Stream is not available.

The laptop had glitched a few more times before an unidentifiable pink creature smirked. The (favorite color) device powdered off with the screen cracked indicating that the laptop was now broken.

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