Chapter Eleven

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Cold air nipped at your skin as you entered the facility. You followed April and Vern, stopping in front of a rail. Your eyes widened at the sight of a powerful Shredder fighting Rapheal. As much as you believed in Rapheal and his strength, your gut twisted knowing that Splinter had mentioned how destructive Shredder was. 

The metallic wearing man sent a rough punch to Raph. Your heart ached at the pained grunts and thuds coming from Raph's exhausted body. He was punched in the face again stirring frustration in you. 

"Raphie!" You called out. 

This nickname sparked the attention of Shredder and said turtle. Your (color) eyes showed anguish. Shredder's masked eyes narrowed on you, unsure of who you were. It came to him that you must've been the fallen girl his former pupil mentioned. He walked forward, pointing a knife at you. 

"Focus on me." Raphael saw the movement and grabbed Shredder's leg. Anger filled his veins, tightening his grip on the man. He was not letting this man anywhere near you. Not when he was barely connecting with you. A connection he wanted to keep going for as long as he could. 

April had to pull you away from the railing, afraid that you were about to do something reckless. She guided you down the stairs where your worry was now focused on the rest of the turtles. You immediately ran to their traps and placed a hand against the glass of Michelangelo, next Leonardo's, and lastly Donnie's. Your eyes switched between the turtle's. 

"We're getting you guys out of this hell." You said breathlessly. 

"What do we do?" April banged on the glass of Donnie's capsule. By looking at his bowed head, you saw the life being drained from him. 

Your eyes returned to Mikey's dull ones. He panted heavily as did Leo. You patted the glass trying to keep them awake. 

"D..u..ette." Mikey mumbled. "W..Wat..out!" 

Your brows knitted together in confusion. You looked back at April to see her messing with a control panel. She wasn't paying attention and you looked back to see Mikey's eyes widening. 

"Watch out!" You heard. 

Vern reached out towards you and April's arms, grabbing you both to avoid the glass shattering as each of the turtles jumped out of their traps. Your eyes teared up in happiness and relief seeing the brothers reunite. 

"Raph!" You gasped, pulling away from Vern. You ran towards the giant turtle, throwing your arms around him in an embrace. 

He was taken back by the sudden soft figure pressing up against him. Raph blinked, looking down to see your teary (color) eyes. His heart ached, seeing the expression he disliked but it vanished into a weak smile as your hand reached up to cup his rough skinned cheek, pulling his forehead against yours. 

"Please don't die. If you do then I won't have anyone else to catch me." You joked. 

Raph could only smile, placing his hand on top of yours. In that moment, both of you accepted one another's warmth and presence. It was bad timing, but neither of you cared because being together was more important than being apart. However…

"So are you two going to kiss or…?" Mikey popped up between the two of you. You blushed at his statement, considering how close you were to Raphael's face. He too was embarrassed and groaned, pushing away at his younger brother's face. 

"Uh, I hate to interrupt this heartfelt moment, but we have to leave now. Like right now in this exact second, right now!" Donatello spoke up, bouncing around. 

"Yeah, let's go bros!" Mikey laughed. 

Leonardo followed suit and pulled his first younger brother up, and gently ushered you forward. He repeatedly instructed you all to go out of the facility. 

"I feel like cleaning the dojo, but we have to save New York, maybe after? Hey (Reader), let's clean the dojo?" Leonardo looked down at you. 

"Sure." You chuckled, sharing a glance with Raph who rolled his eyes. 


Sorry again, writing these chapters isn't hard but finding the time to is lol-- I'll be trying to update at least one or twice a week.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2020 ⏰

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