Chapter Seven

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I wanted to have this chapter out sooner but the one I wrote deleted and oof I had to start over so I'm sorry 😔👉👈

Anyway enjoy!

The putrid smell of sewer water and trash filled your nose as your feet touched the ground and the uncomfortable sack on your head was pulled off. Your head whipped around, staring at your new surroundings. Within wondering around, your eyes landed on an amused Raphael. He stared at your awed expression, slightly puffing his chest out. 

You stared back with a small smile until a soothing voice captured your attention. Upon looking at the owner, your awed expression turned into shock. There standing in front of a wall full of stereos--that made you think of a certain Spongebob episode-- was a rat. It..he wore a burgundy robe around his body as his arms were crossed behind his back in an elegant manner. His beady charcoal eyes crossed paths with April's. 

"Come, my dear." 

Then yours, "You too, my child." 

You glanced at April as a nostalgic feeling hit her gut. She took slow steps toward the anthropomorphic rat, you following after her. She eyed the man with mixed emotions. 

"Splinter." She gasped. 

He chuckled, nodding. "Yes. It has been so long since I've seen you. You have your father's eyes." His smile was warm and fatherly. 

Splinter turned his head toward you, keeping that smile. "And you, I have been told that you were somehow brought into our world, yes?" 

You heard the turtle brothers whispering and turned to see their surprised expressions on April. They must've been confused by the interactions between their adoptive father and the girl they barely knew. 

"Y-yeah." You nodded. 

"Maybe she's a Jedi." If it weren't for this unusual interaction between you and several fictional characters, you would be laughing at Mikey's comment. You stood behind April, not moving until she did. Beside her, were two bean bags one of which you sat on. 

The older gentlemen went on to tell the story of him and his sons. Sixteen years ago, April's father, a scientist, along with Sacks, were experimenting on Splinter and the turtles with a substance called mutagen. Despite being experiments, April developed a close bond with each and every one of them. 

A smile graced her face as the mention of her feeding them pizza crusts. Splinter explained how he was able to hear voices one night, angry shouts and protests. Your brows furrowed at the dispute between Sacks and April's father. You knew that man wasn't good news and now that April told him, you didn't know what to say or think. 

But, through all of this tragic end, a new beginning arose. Splinter and his sons were given a new life to start because April saved them during the fire. From the love he's seen between father and child, Splinter knew he had to be the one to take that role for his own children. Years went by and their curiosity grew along with them, they would want to explore the world. So, by some coincidence, Splinter found a book about the art of ninjutsu and first trained himself, taking advantage of his new body. He then trained the turtles to use their body, soul, and mind. They learned fast due to their enhanced bodies. They used their intelligence to remember strategic moves and defenses, well Donnie did at least. The more years that passed, the turtles were getting ready until finally they became ninjas. 

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