Chapter Six

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You were awoken with a startle and wide eyes when April rushed into the room. She gave you a sheepish smile seeing you were in the midst of holding your heart in a panicked manner. 

"Sorry, I uh," she tucked a hand behind her hair and sat beside the bed, "Listen, I'm sorry about this whole mess, but we need to meet the turtles. Both of us." 

You blinked at this news and sighed. Going back to nap was your going to be your first move, but the mentioned turtles woke you up and got you moving. You looked straight at April as she nervously bit her lip. Remembering her guilty expression had you feeling the same when you yelled at her. 

"I'm sorry too." You said. She looked up at you in confusion and you continued. "I shouldn't have yelled at you, even if it was wrong to expose the turtles." You whispered the last part, earning an eye roll and smile from the brunette beauty. 

"Anyway, we're stuck together so we might as well try and get along." April replied. "Meet me in the living room once you're ready." 

Before she left, you softly called her name. She turned around giving you her full attention. 

"Thank you, you know for caring. It means a lot." You smiled. 

April returned the smile and closed the door softly after leaving. It left you feeling lighter now that the tension was gone. Having someone care for you was one of the greatest feelings that you could experience. And you hadn't felt that way ever since your mother…-you forgot. Thinking about it now, you couldn't fully grasp the sorrow you felt towards her. 

Not now. You wiped any tears threatening to fall from your eyes. You suppressed those bitter feelings bubbling in your stomach and walked out of the room, grabbing a jacket on your way. 


When dawn came, yourself and April reached the supposed location that the turtles demanded. It made you nervous, concerned of what was to happen. These guys were highly trained turtles and could practically kill you if they wanted too. 

"I'm here, with only (Reader). So can you guys-" 

April was cut off with her own gasp, surprised to see the turtles jump out from their hiding spots. 

"Is it them?" One of them whispered. 

"Let me run a scan." You recognized the voice of the purple turtle seeing as he was almost in front of you and April. 

"Initiating retinal scan. Scanning, scanning, scanning, scanning. Scan complete." Donnie paused before adding, "Except for the other one." 

"Of course it's them, Donnie." Leo said. He walked towards April putting a hand on her shoulder, "Really glad you could make it. Hey. There's someone important we want to introduce you to, but first-"

You narrowed your eyes as he put a sack over her head. The microscopic hairs on your neck lifted like an instinct coming over you. Chills ran down your spine following after the thumping of your heart. You braced yourself as a quite uncomfortable material went over your head. 

"Where are you taking us?" You shakily asked. 

"You'll see soon, cupcake." A gruff voice answered.

"Rapheal." You whispered. Apparently, your guess was right considering the grunt you received. His larger body was in front of your own and before you spoke up anymore, your body was lifted off the ground and into muscular arms. 

The cold air smacked against your form, but you were too focused on the turtle carrying you. Physical contact had never seemed so awkward until now. You were just glad your face was covered because you were sure it was entirely red. 

Raphael shifted your body in his arm. He was able to feel your shivering form which slightly annoyed him, but he chose to keep quiet. He understood what it was like to be in a position where you were uncomfortable and couldn't help but want to move. He literally experienced this in the Hashi. 

You kept a hold of the giant turtle as he glided from what had to be building to building. Despite his large body, he was practically flying. You were surprised at such a thing. 

However, you didn't pay attention to your own actions as he jumped lower. This jump caused you to grip onto his shell for dear life. Unfortunately for him, he also experienced a surprise. It wasn't until your nails scratched him, his breath hitched. His grip around your body tightened as he reached the platform. 

Raphael bit his tongue to prevent a horrific sound. He cleared his throat and now carried you in bridal style. 

"What happened?" You questioned. 

"Nothing. Don't ever do that." He demanded. 

You looked at him in confusion and then realized that he was talking about the unintentionally scratching you did. This reddened your face once more and you slowly nodded, making the sack follow your movements. 

The two of you stayed silent the whole time. His brothers tried to ask why he slowed down, only for him to scowl at them with a slightly flustered groan. Mikey, however, grinned to himself. 


Thank you for taking the time to read this story uwu. It's a filler, but I wanted to fit in a moment between Raphie and the reader hehe.

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