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Parking my car in an empty Walgreens parking lot I reach for my phone in my purse. I unlock the screen and press call on Genesis's contact. While it rang I checked my makeup in the rearview mirror. I went the whole nine yards tonight. Fake lashes and all. It was late and I knew it so it wasn't a surprise to me when it went to voicemail. Gen's father has a strict no phone after 8:30 p.m. rule. Something about it's bad for a woman to be on her phone too much. And right now it's almost 11 in the evening.

Smiling as I hear her message box talk to me "Hi it's Genesis! So sorry that I couldn't be at the phone right now. Please leave a message and your name and I will get back to you as soon as possible. Thanks!"

Playing with the black fringe of my dress I wait to hear the beep, "Hey babes it's just me Maya. I am just calling to let you know that I am going to The Paradox tonight and liked promise I called you before I went in and will call you again when I leave. Love you Gen! Bye." hanging up the phone I lean over the middle console and place my phone, purse, and keys in the glove box. My car has the keypad on the door so I don't have to worry about carrying around the keys. Grabbing the exact money it costs to get in and two drinks I leave my car and begin the five minute walk down the block to the club.

This was a regular occurrence for me. Saturday night was my night to do with what I want to do. So I choose to go dancing. Have two drinks, dance with some strangers, then go home. On my walk I hear my heels hit the cement and wondered about Genesis and our other friend Brielle. I knew Gen was at home and probably in bed like her dad, Walton, would expect of her. It is the weekend so Bri would most likely be in bed as well, but at Paul's, not at home. Me on the other hand, am not. While Bri and Gen bend to this world we live in I choose to not. My mom, Christina, supports me in everything I do while my brother, Caleb, resents me for it. You'll never find a man dressed like that... I am the man! You listen to me.... I don't think you understand how this world works Mimi... Don't think about it too hard. You're just a girl. Rolling my eyes I reach the line of people and stand tall against their stares. I know what they're thinking. What man lets a girl go to a club unaccompanied? Well truth behold that there is no man in my life that controls me.

Reaching the front I put on my award winning smile as I reach the bouncers. They glanced at me then to each other then back to me "Are you alone?" the brute on the left asks me. I nod a yes then hold out my wrist. I know how this goes. The one on the right places and pink wrist band around my wrist and takes my entry fee "Have a fun time." he says and I quickly enter the building.

The pink wrist band symbolizes the fact that I am alone. But I prefer to say it shows how stong and independent I am. No girl needs a man to go clubbing in my eyes. People with the green bands are mostly couples, groups, or people that are in relationships without their partner. They don't have bands for the men that show up alone however, I mean, why would they need those? They're men.

The overwhelming smells of alcohol and sweat lingers in the air and in my face as I can feel my body instantly relax to the familiar environment. Music helped drown out my thoughts as I made a beeline for the closest bar. I could see people everywhere. A dance floor was placed in the middle of the open room with a bar on the far left. On the far right holds booths placed into the wall for more privacy. A saircars next to the bar leads to the VIP balcony that hugs the walls all the way around the club where more booths are. I knew the outside patio held another bar and smoking area where, if you were a male, can go light up some cancer sticks.

Reaching my first destination, women and unfortunately men surrounded the bar. Squeezing myself in between two green banded couples I waited for one of the male bartenders to take my order. But I was ignored. Yelling for one of the males to come near to help me all they did was continue to fill the drink orders that men gave them. Feeling someone press into my back I quickly turn to see a nice looking fellow looking back at me "Need help Darling?" I cringe at the nickname but force a smile on my face and motion for him to bring his face closer so I can give him my order. Standing back tall he smiles and waves over one of the bartenders "I need a beer for myself and a strawberry margarita for this lovely lady. Also two shots of Fireball please." The bartender smiles and dashes off to make out drinks.

Leaning against the bar I turn to face the man who stands behind me. Nice looking I think to myself. "You ordered the shot on your own so you pay for those buddy." I speak loudly over the music.

"The name is Mark and don't worry about it. I'm paying for yours too." He sends me a smirk and reaches over my shoulder and hands the bartender his card. I reach out and take my pink drink into my left hand and grab the shot in my right. Glancing at Mark I wait for him to move first before downing the cinnamon liquor. I feel like I am back at a high school party. Mark leans down to my ear "Care to dance with me?" I nod happy to get my hips moving and take a hold of his hand. Let the night begin!


Laughing as I sit next to Mark in a booth I watch as the club is still packed four hours later. Two of his friends sit with us also taking a break from the heat of the dance floor. My heels were placed on the table in front of us. We danced and drank ourselves to the drunken stage and my feet hurt like hell. Or at least my drunken stage. Becoming aware of how intoxicated I am I realize that I should not be driving home. Looking at Mark I lift my head off his shoulder "I should go home Mark. Thank you for a great night." I grab my heels off the table, I regrettably put them back on before standing up.

"Well let me walk you to your car. I want to make sure you make it there okay." He offered and stood up before I could protest. I was too drunk and tired to argue with him and I let Mark take my hand and lead me out of the club. We walked for a few before I stopped to pull off my heels. "Here" Mark said and picked me up like I was his new bride. Giggling softly I wrap my arms around his shoulders.

"I am not sure I should be driving home." I say as Mark carries me down the sidewalk.

He nods at my statement "I can call you a cab once we get to your car. I forgot my phone in the club so I'll have to use yours." He says. Reaching my car I get set down in front of the door and I put in the pass code to unlock the door "Hey Maya?" I hear Mark call from behind me. I turn around to look at him. The last thing I saw was a fist coming straight to my face.

I never did get to call Gen back.

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