Chapter 2

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"-ow could have not told me Mom?" Maya stressed into her phone. She leaned against the window of Brielle's car with her head leaning on her hand. Nervously I looked at Brielle to see her eyes glued to the road but her eyebrows scrunched up. I sat in the back seat in the middle with all our purses. I unfortunately got picked up last.

Just a few moments ago we were having a grand old time. Me and Bri talked last night about how nervous Maya must be for this court hearing so we decided to make the most of the situation. Starbucks and doughnuts. Right after Bri picked me up we made it to our first pitstop and got us all our favorite drinks with the help from Paul's credit card. Thanks Paul. Brielle got some fancy pink strawberry iced tea thing. Maya got a caramel frappuccino like her usual. I on the other hand got a hot chai tea. Warm the inside and let go of the stress.

Taking a bite of my glazed doughnut I listen to Maya argue with her mom "Well if I had known I would be meeting them I wouldn-" to be honest Maya, if I knew I would be stuck in a room with all five head council leaders I would be shiting my pants too. Maya got a text from her lawyer saying that their case has been moved up in severity, something about her not being her attacker's first. So now this is an open case that just so happens to be sitting on top of Killian Stone's desk. The Killian Stone. Probably the most feared council member out of all five. He has the strongest views on women rights. He was the lead spokesperson for revoking women's rights to vote in 2117.

He won too.

So now all three of us are going to be stuck in a room with Maya's lawyer and the five councilmen. If only my father could see me now.... He'd be proud. Tell me something like 'make a good impression and maybe get married'. "Fine then I'll let you know how it goes when I am out of the joint." I could hear Maya's mom yelling into the phone right before she hit the off button.

Maya plays with her necklace and keeps her gaze out the window. "I had hoped for a female judge Bri." she mutters and I could tell by her voice that she was trying not to cry.

The sad truth about our position is that the old spitfire Maya is gone and I think she's gone forever. She hasn't been the same in months. Going through something so traumatic can change a person. I haven't seen her smile, heard her laugh, or even had a smartass remark in months. How can anyone feel okay after taking something so private and important away? For a girl who partied all the time she still had her innocence. It just isn't fair.

"Maya I don't want you to worry okay? I talked to Paul and made sure that he keeps everything super calm and respectful to you. They just want to hear your side so they can help you." Bri explains as she pulls into the private parking lot. The parking lot had a metal fence surrounding it but that didn't stop the paparazzi from trying to get their photos. The windows being tinted kept their prying eyes out while we all do a teeth and nose check. Since one of our best friends is dating one of the councilmen that means we also get to deal with the leftover fame that comes with it.

"And somehow they think a woman couldn't help me? Because I think a female is very capable of taking care of my case." Maya mutters bitterly and pushes herself out of the car and slams the door closed. She pulled her black coat around her body but I highly dount that would warm her up too much with the skirt she has on.

 She pulled her black coat around her body but I highly dount that would warm her up too much with the skirt she has on

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2020 ⏰

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