The truth

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Nialls P.O.V


"I need to know you feel the same" I said my hands locked on her hips. She looked down then back up with sad eyes "I -" she got cut off by Paul walking in I jumped off of her and grabbed a plate. "hey Niall how are you?!" he said coming over to Paige kissing her on the cheek "good getting breakfast" I said raising my plate showing him he nodded and filled his plate. I looked over at Paige who was looking at her feet and biting her lip she looked beautiful. I wish I could tell her. Zyan walked in and kissed her cheek wall reaching for a plate I glared and shoved some eggs into my mouth and rolled my eyes. I wish that was me............

Paige's P.O.V


We were all eating and laughing when dad cleared his thoat we all looked at him. "I wanna discuss room arangments since Paige won't have her own room she will be rooming with Niall Liam will be with zyan and Larry will be together" I almost chocked wall Larry was highfiving I rolled my eyes this is t good I can't room with Niall he has a girlfriend dose anyone know how wrong that is?!. Zyan nudged me I looked at him he directed towards Niall who was smirking I rolled my eyes and took my plate to the dish washer. I jumped into a hot shower letting everything go and letting the water hit me I washed my hair with my favorite shampoo and conditioner. I quickly got dressed into Red skinny jeans and a navy blue and white striped top with my favorite black heals and to top it off a red headband. I looked in the mirror my brown wavy hair ending mid back touched my face am I really model for NYC fashion week pretty? Of corse I am i thought shaking my head and leaving. "BITCH ONLY I CAN WEAR STRIPS!" Louis yelled I laughed "to bad" I said sitting next to zyan

I should've kissed you!:)Where stories live. Discover now