The date

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Sorry guys Iv been so busy with school and homework :( hope you like this chapter!!


Paige p.o.v


I looked at him as he handed me 1 dozen of my absaloute favorite flowers. Dusty pink roses wow I fell in love they were perfect he is perfect. "Wow thanks I love them how did you know?" I asked walking over and putting them in a vas and water "zyan he knew and told me" he said looking Down "oh ok" I said setting them by my bed side "wanna go?" Niall asked "sure lets go!" I said he afferd is arm I gladly took it as we walked out. When we got to the lobby it was crowed with fans "woah" I said he laughed "we can go out the back if you want?" He asked I shook my head no "no there your fans we can see them" I said he smiled "thanks here take my head just in case you get hurt" he said I smiled and took his hand it just felt so right my hand in his. He smiled to as we walked out of the lobby "OH MY GOD IT'S NIALL HORAN AND...... WHO'S THAT?" All these girls yelled I smiled and waved kindly trying to be nice when I was really being clawed and tugged on but one tugg made me stop. I turned and bent Down to the little girls height she looked about 9 or 10 "hi" I said grabbing her hands "hi" she said shyly "what's your name?" She asked I smiled "Paige I'm Paul's daughter" I said she nodded "can I have a picture with you?" She asked "of corse" I said I gave her mom my phone to take a picture with and she handed hers to her mom "smile!" She said and snapped the pictures. "Wow they look cute thanks!" Her mom said "no no thank you" I said giving her on last look "bye" I said waving to them. "Wow Paige that was so sweet" Niall said when we got in the car "haha thanks i geuss.." I said trailing off he lent over and kissed my cheek I felt as if my cheek was on fire as he pulled away. As we pulled up to where our date was I smiled it was a bus stop "umm niall?" I said turning to him "come on it will be fun" he said I laughed and grabbed his hand we walked up to the double decker bus as the doors opened "good evening" the bus driver said as me and Niall walked up the staires Iv never been on one of these before but girls was it cool and so sweet. Niall stopped me half way "PAIGE ARE YOU READY FOR ONE OF THE COOLEST RIDES OF YOUR LIFE?" Niall anonced I laughed "I'm already on the coolest ride its called the rolacoster of life" I said with a wink "haha ok the 2 coolest ride of your life?" He asked I nodded he took my hand and lead me up the steps and opened the door I gasped at the breath taking view it was beautiful "wow Niall it's beautiful" I said walking to the front of the bus "Iv seen better" he said and looked at me I blushed and giggled he came up beside me and wrapped his arm around me I leaned into him he was warm and cozy I felt safe with him. 10 minuets later we pulled up to a little park it's was very pretty at night. We hoped off the bus and started walking "I hope you don't mind it's a little bit of a long walk" Niall said grabbing my hand I smiled and shook my head "that's fine" I said as we walked along it was silent but a comfortable one. We walked up to this little Clift that looked over the citey there was these beautiful lanterns leading up to the edge of the Clift were a cheackered blanked sat waith plates and cups. I grinned tears willing up in my eyes "wow it's.its. beautiful" I chocked out he smiled and wrapped me in his arms I snuggled my head onto his chest and smiled to I love being in his arms. "Let's go eat I'm starving" Niall said grabbing my hand and leading me up the path way I sat down on the blanket and wach Niall as he pulled out little sandwitches I giggled he looked at me and smirked then it hit me I have to tell him "Niall" I said bitting my lip "I have some things to tell you...." I said Fideling with my fingers "yes?" He said looking concern "well when we get to newyork I'm taking time off the tour for modeling but ill be back before we go to London. I said really fast he nodded then stopped "were going to New York in 4 days" I nodded "ok but I have to ask you something?" He said I nodded bitting deep into my lip "Madison Paige will you take the honor of being my girlfriend?" He asked I looked up and smiled and nodded leaping forward and hugged him he laughed and hugged back I pulled back and kisse his perfect lips.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2012 ⏰

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