Chapter 2 - The Good

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The Sentry was flying towards a certain graveyard.

But in the middle, he changed his course.

He went somewhere else instead.

He phased through the building of a hospital and he picked up a body of a young man from there.

He picked up a body of a hero.

He picked up Scout's body. He picked up Billy Turner's body. His own sidekick.

Someone the Sentry killed not too long ago.

"I am sorry, Billy," he said slowly as he flew in the dark night. "But you were going on a path that you would have regretted."

He arrived at the graveyard he wanted to visit earlier.

He landed next to a grave that belonged to his late wife, Lindy Lee.

After a few minutes, he had already buried Billy's body next to his dead wife's.

He then placed flowers on both of them.

"I am sorry..."

He took a deep breath and sat on the ground and folded his legs.

All of a sudden, it rained down.

The Sentry manipulated the weather.

"I could bring you back... but I know you are both finally at peace."

He talked to the graves.

"Hey, Lindy... Do you remember when we met for the first time?"

He chuckled.

"You were the big shot... A popular girl at the high school. Everyone loved you... and me? I was just a small shot. No looks or money. Or popularity. I loved you too but you never even paid attention to me. Not until..."

He took a small pause before continuing.

"Not until you learned that I had powers. And then you fell in love with me. Then we started dating. And then we got married. Life was perfect. It was simple. Hehe. Simple, right?"

The rain has been pouring down for a while now. But the Sentry was not wet at all.

The rain was not falling on him.

It avoided him at all cost.

It would have not made any difference if it rained him but he didn't want it to pour down on his face.

It was for a different reason.

"Then one day... no, one night, you asked me about my powers and my secret origin. And then I told you everything. Things I had never told anyone. I told you everything. And then I finally noticed that horrified look on your face."

His eyes welled up.

"From that moment... you never had a good or simple life. You have been living a life full of horrors. You have been terrified all your life. You wanted to marry a famous and rich superhero... You wanted to marry a golden Superman. But instead... Instead, you ended up with... with me."

A single drop of tear fell from his eyes.

It poured down his face.

The reason the rain avoided him is that he wanted to feel his tears pouring down his face.

"A man with the power of a God. A man who is a God and a devil at the same time. I should have been your golden Superman. I should have been your famous and rich superhero. I should have given you the life you wanted. The life you dreamt of. I could have done it, couldn't I? I have the power to rival Gods, so why... So, why did you have to suffer?! WHY DID YOU HAVE TO SUFFER?"

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