Chapter 4

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Help me Harry

"Yes." He mumbled, not looking at Hermione because he didn't want to see the disgusted look on her face. But actually, Hermione didn't mind. "Thanks, Harry," She put a hand on his shoulder, "I don't mind who you like, because thats your choice." Hermione stood up and went to the door, before she left, she said with a smile, "Again, thank you for telling me, Harry." She shut the brown door.

Harry was thinking,

Ron. Will. Hate me. What am I going to do?

He is my best friend.. and he won't be anymore when he finds out.

He was interuppted by a medium sized, grey owl with navy eyes, flying through the window with a letter. "A letter?" He frowned, "Who would've-?" He stopped and started reading, else he would be there forever trying to figure out why he received a letter today.

He held the crinkled up paper, which felt quite wet too.

Dear Harry,
I know, you only left just under an hour ago, but I want you back, Pansy is angry at me, she is really close to attacking me and I just want you. Here. Please, Harry,
I need you. Now.

"Oh Draco.." He walked quickly to the slytherin commons, forcing the tears to not escape his eyes. He pushed through the massive crowd until he reached Draco's room.

"Draco." He whispered under his breath as he looked down at him. Bruises and deep cuts covered his arms, his hair was ruffled and messy instead of neat and slicked back. At this point, they were both crying. "Draco, why did she do this to you?" Harry wrapped his arms around him and rested Draco's head on his heart, protectively. "It was all Pansy." Draco continued to sob. Harry let out a quiet, comforting shush that put Draco at ease.

"Alright, It's ok, I know."

"Please stay here with me, Harry. All night, until morning, stay with me." He said between sobs.

"I will,"


"Draco, baby, I will."  I just called him baby.

He just called me baby.

"Harry, I love you. I-I've always liked you, really. I really love you. I want you to be my boyfriend." Harry couldn't process the words Draco said to him, it was too adorable. Harry placed a kiss on the top of Draco's head, "I-I love you too, Draco."

"So, will you be my boyfriend?"

"Of course." Harry said with no hesitation.

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